Kenzie: Remember that this wasn’t your fault. You deserve all the happiness.

Kenzie: PS—Fuck em all. Literally and figuratively.

Piper: Don’t fuck them all. You’ll come home with diseases, but don’t be afraid to live, either. Do something you’d never have done before. Something just for you.

Kenzie: Piper is right. Sorta. Go show the world the badass that is Ella Mother Fucking Danes. The one we already know and love.

“Ma’am, do you need a ride?” the man inside the taxi asks through the rolled-down window.

I swipe at my fresh tears and smile. “That would be great.”

I give him the name of my resort and slide into the back seat of the white taxi car before responding to my friends.

Me: Thank you both for everything. I’m terrified right now, but it helps knowing you’re both rooting for me to survive this week. I love you two so fucking much.

Piper: We love you too. Be safe.

Kenzie: All the love for you! Have fun!

I grin at their individual replies. Even if I never find my Prince Charming, I’ll die a happy woman with these two as my best friends.

“What brings you to our lovely island?” the driver asks with an accent that’s almost French-like, but not quite.

I look up to find dark but friendly eyes staring at me through the rearview mirror. He looks to be in his forties, and he either dyes his short ebony hair or has fantastic genes, because I don’t see any grays.

“Vacation,” I reply politely.

“By yourself?” he inquires.

I cringe, but then remember, if I’m really going to love who I am, I can’t be embarrassed of my situation. Gavin cheating isn’t my fault.

“Yep. Thought it would be nice. Nobody to say no to things I might want to do,” I say with a tilt of my chin.

He chuckles. “Smart woman. The Vistas has all the best adventures. You should be able to keep yourself quite busy if that’s what you want.”

My sigh is full of hope from his words. “That would be perfect.”

“I recommend windsurfing. If you’ve never done it, you’re in for a great time.” His jovial smile tells me I should believe him, but the thought of trying something that adventurous… Well, it wasn’t on the agenda before.

“I’ll give it some thought,” I reply, then turn to take in the sights around me.

The sky is crystal blue and there isn’t a cloud to be seen above me. The sun is so bright that I can barely stand to stare up, even through my polarized sunglasses. I roll the window down and take a deep inhale. Salty ocean water coats my senses, and I sag in my seat.

Weekend trips to the beach are my favorite thing to do at home, and the scent of the sea brings me a sliver of peace I was afraid I wouldn’t feel while here.

My driver points out his window. “There’s your hotel.”

My eyes widen. The pictures online hadn’t done this place justice. The property sits atop a hill with sloping grass knolls, a golf course to the left, tennis courts to the right, and plenty of pathways between them leading to who-knows-where.

Immediately in front of the resort, separated only by the small road we were driving up, is the beach. The sand is nearly white, and the water is as clear as the skies above.

Cabanas are lined up, and people everywhere are laughing and having fun. There are even a couple of volleyball games going, bringing me back to my high school days. I used to have a blast playing. Maybe I could reignite that passion during my trip.

The taxi turns into the resort. Large light-tan marble columns with white swirls are holding up the massive overhang to the entry. Staff dressed in matching white polos and khaki shorts are waiting with bright smiles.

When the driver comes to a full stop, my door is opened.

“Welcome to The Vistas, Ella. My name is Rosa. I’ll be available for the entirety of your trip, making sure everything is as you wish. How was your flight?” the young woman asks me, her accent matching that of the taxi driver, and I realize, from my earlier research of Saint Lucia, it’s Creole, not French.