Page 117 of Before We Ever Spoke


“I think I just lived out every boy’s dream! A go-kart track all to ourselves,” Coop said as he climbed out of his kart.

“You totally cheated though, the sign said ‘No Bumping’...” Cara replied as she pointed to the rules hanging above the indoor track.

“Oh, hell, that was just a love tap! You’re such a sore loser!”

“Sore loser? You spun me out in the last turn when I had the lead!”

“Excuses are like armpits, Cara. We all have them and they all stink! Now pay up, girl,” Coop said as he puckered his lips.

“For the record, I’m only awarding you this kiss under protest,” Cara replied as she planted a long kiss on Coop.

“For the record, I’m fine with that,” Coop replied after the kiss as he held her in a hug.

“What’s next kids?” the voice of Brenda Eckert interrupted the young couple.

“How about a game of laser tag?” Coop asked Cara.

“Only if you don’t cheat!” Cara replied.

“I wouldn’t dream of it…”

Just then the entrance doors of Amazing Adventure Park burst open and Clarence Walters came charging towards Coop, Cara, and Brenda. Nelson Eckert was so startled by the sound of the doors being flung open that he came running out of his office near the entrance to see what was happening.

Clarence was visibly concerned as he ran towards the group.

“We got to go, NOW!” he yelled to Coop and Cara as he neared.

“Go? But we just got here. What’s going on?” Coop asked.

“Something big is happening next door at that old motel. I just saw a SWAT team run in and heard shots fired. We need to evacuate this building NOW!” Clarence ordered as he grabbed Cara by the arm and instructed Coop to follow.

“What about Brenda and Nelson?” Cara yelled as Clarence dragged her toward the door. She could see that he had pulled his SUV up to the door and that the rear passenger door was open just a few steps outside the doorway. It was there that they could hear the loud pop of gunfire that had previously been inaudible over the sounds of the arcade games near the go-kart track.

“Lock up behind us and take shelter in your office. Don’t open the door for anyone except the police. If the police come you’ll know it's them,” he instructed.

Nelson and Brenda each nodded as Clarence stopped at the front door. He looked through the glass doors to make sure that they would have a safe exit before turning and giving everyone further instruction.

“Okay, I will open this door and step out first, you two will keep your heads down and jump right into the backseat where you will remain down until I tell you otherwise. Understand?”

“Yessir,” Coop answered as Cara nodded.

“If anything should happen to me, Coop, you need to jump in the front seat and get Cara out of here. Don’t stop for anything or anyone. That includes me. Just drive. I’ll be fine.”

Clarence turned towards Nelson and Brenda.

“You two, as soon as we are out the door you lock it and get in your office. You understand?”

They nodded nervously in agreement.

“Okay, on my command…” Clarence said as he shoved the door open and formed a barrier using his body between the open door of the Escalade and the action going on at the motel next door.

“Go, Go, Go!” Clarence yelled as Cara and Coop each dove into the back of the SUV. As they huddled on the floor of the backseat they could hear Clarence slam the door shut as the gunshots sounded like they were coming from only a few feet away.

“Oh my God!” Cara yelled as two more shots sounded as if they were fired right next to the backseat.

“Calm down, I got you,” Coop said as he positioned his body on top of Cara’s, his hands over her ears.