Page 118 of Before We Ever Spoke

Just then they heard the sound of the driver’s side door open and close quickly.

“Stay down! We’re moving!” Clarence yelled as they felt the Escalade accelerate quickly. Coop and Cara felt the weight of the vehicle swing sharply to the right as Clarence made a sharp left turn, presumably out of the parking lot and onto Brookpark Road.

The sound of gunshots faded before they could no longer hear anything other than the sound of the SUV’s engine humming through the floorboards.

“Okay, you can get up now, we’re on the highway,” Clarence said after what seemed like an hour later, but in reality was only a few minutes.

Coop pushed himself up off the floor of the Escalade and helped Cara get up into the seat next to him.

“Are you okay?” he asked as she looked at him, tears of fear still present in her eyes.

“What the hell just happened?” Cara asked no one in particular. She was shaking and began to sob as the reality of what just happened set in.

“You’re okay, it’s gonna be okay,” Coop said as he pulled her head to his chest and wrapped his arms around her.

Clarence pressed the button on his earpiece.

“Alpha, this is Baker... we are on the interstate and clear… find out what the hell that just was, please? Over.”

“I’ll tell you what it was,” Coop announced.

“What?” Cara asked, her head still pressed firmly against Coop’s chest.

“That was Clarence being a hero and getting us out of a very dangerous situation. That’s what that was…”

“No, sir, the heroes were next door fighting the bad guys,” Clarence responded.

“Them too, but you were amazing, Clarence. I don’t know how you remained so calm. You’re the man,” Coop said.

“Well, I’ve had a lot of practice over the years. I used to be one of those guys in the SWAT gear storming the building.”

“See, you are a hero,” Coop declared.

“Just doing my job,” Clarence said.

“Well, let me tell you, you’re getting a raise after today.”