Page 100 of Before We Ever Spoke

“Goddamnit, Ernie, I thought you understood that I’m not here to play games. Get out of the car, I’m going to have to take you in now…” Jason said as he started to reach for his gun.

“Wait, wait, wait! I’ll talk, I’ll talk. Just hold on, man...” Ernie pleaded.

“Last. Chance.”

“I’m lonely, okay? I haven’t been laid by my wife in years and a guy I know told me how I could solve that problem without having to worry about getting caught for soliciting.”

Soliciting? So, Tick’s a pimp now…

“Keep going. Tell me something that I don’t already know and I might reconsider arresting your pathetic ass,” Jason said, hoping Ernie wouldn’t call his bluff.

“Okay… just give me a chance… the guy I know said that if I went to Edgewater’s concession stand during certain hours and days that I might find a guy there. He said that the guy was tiny, maybe five feet at the most and that he’d be at a picnic table. He said if I saw the guy to order an ice cream and write my phone number on the cup. He said don’t talk to the guy. I don’t even know the guy’s name! He said to sit at his table and leave the cup near the edge before leaving. He said that the guy would call me after I left with instructions.”

“Then what? I know he called you, Ernie…”

“Listen, I’ll tell you, but you gotta promise that I won’t be arrested. If my wife finds out I’m going to lose everything, which let me tell ya, ain’t very much.”

“Here’s what I’ll promise you, Ernie. Even if you don’t say another word I can arrest you on suspicion of solicitation, and I promise you I will if you don’t tell me everything.”

“Okay, okay... I’ll talk… a few minutes after I left I got a call from the guy at the picnic table. He gave me an address and told me to go there and bring cash. I asked how much and he said minimum two hundred bucks.”

“Go on…”

“So I go to this place, and it’s a tiny motel over on Brookpark Road. Total roach motel. It’s so small I’ve never even noticed the place before. Nasty…”

“Which motel?”

“It doesn’t even have a name. It just says ‘Motel’... I don’t think anyone actually stays there overnight, well except for the girls…”

“Give me the address,” Jason said as he held his hand out.

Ernie took a deep breath and pulled his wallet out before producing a small piece of paper that had a number written on it: 78212.

“And this is on Brookpark Road?” Jason confirmed.

“Yeah… over by all the strip clubs…”

“What else can you tell me?”

“Well, it’s kinda crazy, actually. I was told by the guy to go into the office and ask if they had any vacancies for November 9th.”

“November 9th?”

“Yeah… I guess that is their way of telling what you’re there for…anyways, I ask the bald guy at the front desk about November 9th and he says if I’d like to continue with the reservation that I had to give him my driver’s license and a hundred bucks cash.”

“Driver’s license?”

“They said that if I wanted to ‘stay’ at their motel, I had to do it. I know it wasn’t smart, but I did it. I was so desperate. Before I know it these two big Russian guys come out of the back office. Both of them have guns on one of them shoulder holsters. They took a photocopy of my license and the hundred bucks and said to follow them. ”


“Where’d they take you?” Jason asked, hoping Ernie would keep talking.

“They took me in their office where they had a bunch of TV monitors set up. But they weren’t watching ‘I Love Lucy’ reruns… each one was some sort of security camera in each of the motel rooms. Each room had a chick, most of them laying on a bed. They told me to pick which one I wanted and let me tell you it was a tough choice because all these chicks were skinny, young, and gorgeous. Like models…”

“Who did you choose, Ernie?”

“I’ve always wanted to be with a redhead, and one of the chicks had the brightest red hair I’ve ever seen. So, I chose her…”