“So, you got some cars to show me, Ernie?” Jason said, changing the subject.

“Sure do, Darrell! Enough small talk, let’s get you in a car!” Ernie said as he led Jason towards a maroon 1992 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Royale sedan - the same car Ernie drove to Edgewater Park. It had a sticker of $5995 on the window and Jason pretended to be taken aback by that.

“Ernie, this is a beauty of a car, but that’s a little out of my price range. I only have about half that to spend. I told you before that my credit ain’t gonna get me no loan….”

“Darrell, what if I told you that your credit was good here at Rides 4 Less?” Ernie said with a smile.

“Come again? The dealership said nobody would finance me... and my only chance at a car was paying cash?” Jason feigned ignorance.

“Well, that’s because they have to do their financing through a bank, Darrell. Here at Rides 4 Less, all the financing is through us. As long as you can make your payments on time, we’ll finance you ourselves!”

“Seriously? Well, that’d be great! Can we take her for a spin?”

“I got the keys right here! Took her for a spin earlier today myself, as a matter of fact.”

Oh, I know, Ernie…

Ernie tossed Jason the keys and got in the passenger side of the vehicle. As Jason climbed into the driver’s seat he was overcome by the smell of the two tree-shaped air fresheners that were hanging from the rearview mirror.

“So, where we headed?” Ernie asked Jason as they pulled away from the lot.

“I was thinking we could drive over to Edgewater, Ernie…” Jason said, as he suddenly changed his “aw shucks” tone to his normal voice.

The destination, along with Jason’s change in tone, gave Ernie a puzzled look on his face.

“Uh… Edgewater? Why there, Darrell? This time of day it’ll be packed. Why don’t we take her for a spin on the freeway?” Ernie replied, eyeballing his customer.

“What’s wrong with Edgewater Park, Ernie? You look like you just saw a ghost or something?”

“Wrong? Oh, nothing, I just don’t like crowds, is all.”

“But you do like ice cream, though, right Ernie?” Jason asked as he accelerated.

“Ice cream? I’m not really sure what that has to do with any-”

“Shut up, Ernie!” Jason yelled as he pulled into an empty parking lot and slammed the brakes.

“Hey, what the hell is going on here, Darrell?” Ernie said, obviously flustered by his customer’s actions.

“The name’s Jason. Detective Jason Knox. Cleveland Homicide.”

Jason produced his badge and put it in Ernie’s face.

“Homicide? What the hell do you want with me?”

“Relax, Ernie, I’m not going to arrest you. Yet…”

“Arrest me? For what?” Ernie asked, incredulously.

“Listen to me very carefully Ernie. I’m going to ask you a few questions. How you decide to answer those questions will determine where you sleep tonight. You understand me?”

Ernie shook his head indicating that he understood.

“Why’d you go to Edgewater Park earlier today, Ernie?” Jason asked.

Ernie looked shocked that Jason knew he had been there.

“Edgewater? Oh, yeah, uh, I took a lunch break and got some ice cream. I love that Honey Hut ice cream!” Ernie replied with a feigned laugh.