“Where was she?” Coop asked.

“Spain. She did a year abroad at a university in Barcelona through Oberlin College, where she normally attends.”

“Where’s Oberlin? Never heard of it.”

“It’s a small liberal arts college about 40 minutes west of here. It’s really an eclectic, liberal place, which makes it perfect for Lucy.”

“Is she one of those tree-hugging hippies?” Coop asked, jokingly.

“Oh, nice… I wouldn’t call her a hippie, but she’s definitely a free spirit. Lucy is one of those people who will go wherever the wind takes her in life. She’s a writer and an amazing one at that. She writes poetry and short stories. She’s had her work published multiple times, even in Reader’s Digest. She’s so good that she is on full scholarship at Oberlin, which costs almost as much as an Ivy League school does.”

“Wow… she sounds impressive. How’d y’all become friends?”

“We actually didn’t know each other until freshman year at Berea. I came to Berea from Ford Middle School, which is near my house. Lucy went to Roehm Middle School with all the other Berea kids. Unfortunately for me, most of my friends from Ford went to the other high school in the district, Midpark. So, it was kinda like I was a new kid at school. Lucy happened to sit next to me at freshman orientation and she talked my freaking ear off. I had never been asked so many questions in such a short amount of time. We just kinda clicked and the rest is history.”

“Sure sounds like it. I still talk to my best friend from high school about once a week, and we meet in Vegas once a year. Well, we used to at least…”

“Why don’t you anymore?”

“He and his wife had a baby girl two years ago and then everything that happened with me over the past year just kinda put a halt to those plans. Maybe we will go again someday.”

“What’s his name?”

“Landry Sterling, but everyone calls him by his nickname, Cash.”

“Cash Sterling? Money and silver, eh?” Cara joked.

“You got it, but it’s actually because his dad loves Johnny Cash.”

“How’d you two meet?”

“We grew up next door to each other. He was an only child, too, so we were the closest thing to brothers either of us had. We were in the same grade and played football and baseball together. He was a great fullback in football and our catcher in baseball. He played D2 football atDelta State. He’s a teacher now in Jackson.”


“Yes, ma’am. He moved there after college. He also coaches football.”

“What about his parents? Are they still in Pass Christian?”

“No, his family moved out of the Pass when he graduated from high school. They live in Florida now.”

“I see. Well, Lucy wants to meet me for dinner and then go dancing tomorrow night. Do you mind if I go?”

“You don’t need to ask me for permission to see your best friend…”

“I know, but I just wanted to make sure.”

“I’ll arrange for a car. Where should I have it take you?”

“She wants to take me out to eat at a restaurant called Lola. She said she has a gift card and it’s supposed to be amazing. Lucy said that the Chef, Michael Symon, is a rising star.”

“Sounds like a great time. I’ll make sure that your guardian angel is aware, too.”

“Lovely… would you mind if we went dancing after dinner? It’s kinda always been our thing,” Cara asked.

“I think it’s too early for me to be giving you any sort of permission to do anything. I just want you to have fun and be safe.”

“I know, but I guess the last relationship I was in kinda made me nervous about doing things on my own. Kenny always got jealous. He hated when I would go out with Lucy and would usually show up where we were to spy.”