“So, who are these ‘Guardian Angels’ that my brother found to protect me from the big bad world? And who’s paying for them, anyway?” Cara asked as she ate her salad.

“Your brother said that one guy is a retired cop and he’s one of the best men he knows. He apparently owns a small security firm. The other is a younger former officer, a female, who he thinks you’ll really like. She works for the other guy full-time now. He said that they’ll each work an 8-hour shift starting at seven each morning. They will be nearby if needed, but most people wouldn’t even know that they’re there. And don’t worry about the cost.”

“I guess it won’t hurt to give it a shot…” Cara relented as she picked at her salad, starting to warm up to the idea. Even though she still didn’t like the ambush tactics Coop and Jason were using, she also didn’t want to constantly worry about people harassing her.

“That’s all I’m asking… Just give it a chance. It will only be during the week, too. I wrote their names down. Clarence Walters and Grace Brooks. Clarence will work the early shift and Grace will be around in the afternoons and evenings,” Coop said as he slipped Cara the small piece of paper that had their names on it.

“Where is this Clarence guy going to meet me tomorrow?” Cara asked.

“He’s going to be waiting for you downstairs and will drop you off by the building where your class is and pick you up in the same spot after. Clarence will blend in and be nearby if needed.”

“I’m not going to lie, as weird as all this is and as angry as I got earlier, I kinda like the thought of someone looking out for me. Especially if that bald creeper Gary shows up again.”

“I couldn’t agree more.”

“I know I didn’t react the way I should have, but thank you…” Cara said.

“You reacted the way you felt, and I’d rather deal with that than you acting the way you think I want you to.”

“Well, regardless, I feel bad. I don’t know what else to say…”

“Nothing…” Coop said as he winked at Cara.

“Nothing…” she replied with a smile.

“How’s your salad? I took a gamble on the Chicken Caesar.”

“I love it. Where’s it from?”

“To be honest, I have no idea. I just told Simon what I wanted and he delivered, as always.”

“Simon is great at what he does, especially when he knows that the person he’s helping is wealthy,” Cara chuckled.

“You telling me that he doesn’t do all that stuff just because I’m a good person?” Coop said incredulously.

“Hate to break it to you…”

“Next thing you’re going to tell me that leprechauns aren’t real…”

“Oh, no, they’re definitely real. Wait until your first Saint Patty’s Day parade downtown. You’ll see them everywhere.”

“Well, thank heavens. I couldn’t take any more hard truths from you.”

Cara’s cell phone, which had been set to vibrate while she napped, began to buzz from its spot on the kitchen counter. She stood up and grabbed the phone. When she saw who it was her face lit up.

“Oh my God! It’s my best friend from high school, Lucy! I have to take this.”

“By all means…”

Cara flipped her phone open as she stood by the counter.

“Hey, girl! Please tell me this means you’re back in town?”

Cara walked out of the kitchen and towards the balcony where she remained for the rest of the phone call. Coop finished off his salad and took a seat in front of the television on his couch.

“Oh my God! I’m so excited! Lucy is back in town!” Cara said as she came back into the apartment.