“You want me to create a suspect, sir?”

“I never said that. However, if you arrest a suspect, legitimate or not, it will show the public that we are making progress. Not to mention the press...”

“I don’t think I can do that, sir. I can’t just arrest some innocent guy and possibly ruin his reputation. What would I even charge him with if I don’t have any evidence?”

“You leave that part to me, thanks to the Patriot Act we have all sorts of options. Just get me a suspect by the end of the week. Real or not…”

“Yessir, I will try my best.”

“You better. Now get out of here, and it goes without saying that our discussion today shall remain between us.”

“Absolutely, sir.”

Jason felt dirty as he exited the Chief’s office. The thought of arresting an innocent person just to make the department look good made him sick to his stomach.

I need to find a real suspect…

He called his wife, Erica, as he walked towards the parking garage.

“Hey babe, I’m not going to be home until later tonight. The Chief needs me to follow some new leads on the case.”

Jason felt awful lying to his wife, but the less she knew the better.

“But it’s your only day off this week!” Erica replied, upset that she would be giving up her one night of being a “normal” family this week.

“I know, babe, but when the Chief personally tells you to do something, you just do it...”

“I know… it just sucks…” a dejected Erica replied.

“Can you put Gabby on the phone?” Jason asked.

“I would, but she’s next door playing with friends. Call back before bedtime and I’ll put her on.”

“Okay… love you…”

“Love you, too.”

As Jason pulled out of the parking garage he couldn’t stop replaying the meeting with Chief Johnston in his head.

Did he really just ask me to do that?

Jason made a decision as his car made its way towards his Edgewater Park that he would find HoJo a suspect. It was going to be a legitimate one, too, and he wouldn’t stop working until he found one.