Cooper Madison told Cara that he needed to step outside and make a phone call on his balcony. She was curled up on his bed ready to take a nap in an effort to make up her lack of sleep from the night before.
“Okay, if I’m asleep when you get back in, don’t wake me up…”
“I won’t. Get some rest…”
Just a couple hours earlier, Cara had told Coop all about her day of harassment from classmates and photographers. He knew that he needed to do something to help protect her, so he decided to call the one person that he knew could help.
“Jason, it’s Cuppah, sorry to bother you but I need your help with something. It’s in regards to Cara.”
“Cara? What’s wrong?” Jason asked, startled.
“Nothing’s wrong, she’s fine, but I need your help to keep it that way.”
“How so?”
Coop went on to explain what Cara had experienced since the interview aired, and that he wanted to hire some people to watch over her.
“Like a bodyguard?” Jason said.
“I suppose. Maybe not someone standing by her side at all times, but more like a guardian angel. Close by and watching out for her in the event she needs it.”
“Well, I know a few retired cops who might want the job and also have a female officer in mind who might be a good fit. Are you talking 24-hour protection? Or just during the day?”
“I was thinking morning til evening.”
“Okay, that should make it easier. We can go with two shifts. 7 to 3 and 3 to 11. The going rate for side jobs is typically $30 an hour, but it might be more for something this heavy.”
“I’ll pay $50 an hour. Cash. Just get me two very good and trustworthy people.”
“Hey, this is my baby sister we are talking about here. I’m going to handle it.”
“I know, I apologize. I just am worried about her.”
“You and me both, bro. I’ll let you know once I get a couple good people. One guy I know has a security firm now.”
“Sounds good.”
“Listen, I just pulled into Edgewater Park and I need to ask a few people some questions, so I have to let you go.”
“Any luck on the case?”
“Luck? Not exactly. Hopefully, luck will find me, though.”
“Understood. Talk to you soon.”
Coop ended the call and walked back into the apartment. He went to check on Cara in his bedroom and she was out like a light. As he made his way back to the family room his phone rang. It was his agent, Todd “T-Squared” Taylor.
“How’s my favorite agent doing today?” Coop answered.
“How great was that ESPN special? I told you that our boy Shane would do a great job! Lots of good buzz.”
“He did do a good job, but why do I have a feeling that isn’t the only reason you called?”
“Coop, I have some interesting news for you…”
“Go on…”