Tonight on SportsCenter at six o’clock, Cooper Madison sits down with ESPN’s Shane Aspen in his first televised interview since abruptly leaving baseball last year. Make sure to tune in and hear about where he’s been since dropping out of the public eye and if he is planning on making a comeback this season.
The sound of the television echoed through into the kitchen where Cooper Madison and Cara Knox were enjoying a Monday morning cup of coffee together. Cara studied Coop as he seemed un-phased by what was on the television.
“Do you ever get used to hearing your name on national TV?” Cara asked.
Coop smirked and silently chuckled before responding.
“I suppose it’s like anything else in life. The more it happens the less of an impact it has on you.”
“I don’t think I would ever get used to it…”
“You’d be surprised. I’m sure there are things about your life that used to be a big deal to you and now they’re not.”
“I suppose… but none of those things are broadcast to millions of people, either.”
Coop relented, but then brought up the subject of the interview.
“Are you nervous about tonight?”
“It’s all I can think about,” Cara admitted.
“Whenever I’m nervous about something I can’t really control I think about something my daddy used to say…”
“Which was?” Cara asked.
“It’s never as good as you think it’s gonna be, but it’s also never as bad, either.”
“Those are some wise words…”
“He was a wise man…”
Cara let his words hang for a moment before changing the subject.
“I told my parents that we’d be there around five and that we’d bring dinner.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll arrange for a car to take us. Where do you want to get food from?”
“I was thinking we could get Chinese? My parents love Chinese food. Do you like it?”
“I love it… especially that General guy’s chicken.”
“You mean General Tso?” Cara asked, referring to the popular deep-fried chicken dish named after a Hunan general, who ironically had nothing to do with its origin.
“Yeah, he’s my favorite Chinese general…” Coop deadpanned assertively, seeming very proud of himself before continuing on in a very authoritative voice.
“I believe he conquered the Moo Goo Gai Pan River Valley and later on defeated the enemy at the Battle of Lo Mein…”
“Wow,” Cara said in fake awe. “ You are such a wealth of knowledge. Have you ever considered going on Jeopardy?”
“I actually was a few years ago… it was ‘Dumb Jock Week’. All of the questions were True or False, and they gave us crayons to write our ‘Final Jeopardy’ answers. I came in fourth place…”
“Aren’t there only three contestants?” Cara took the bait.
“Yeah, but I was so bad that they gave me fourth...”
Cara laughed and stood up out of her chair at the kitchen table. She had on another one of Coop’s old t-shirts and a pair of his mesh shorts which were rolled at the waist numerous times so that they’d fit.