Joanne told him about Kenny’s interview with CMZ and how ESPN wanted to do an exclusive interview with Cooper.

“Kenny did that?”

“Apparently he got paid a lot of money, too.”

“I’ll kill him… I never liked that kid.”

“I think that Cara can handle herself, Charlie. If I know our daughter, Kenny is going to wish he never said a word.”

“Maybe we did something right, I suppose.”

“We did a lot of things right, Charlie. You just don’t seem to want to remember them.”

Charlie didn’t respond, instead, he wheeled himself into his bedroom, effectively ending the conversation.

Joanne followed, but not to continue the talk. Instead, she would help him get into his bed, with the assistance of the hydraulic lift that was part of his bedroom set-up. It kind of resembled a hammock and would lift Charlie onto his bed. Joanne just had to help him get into the hammock from his wheelchair.

If anyone ever wondered if Joanne still loved Charlie, they would only need to see this nightly ritual to know the answer. She did it without fail or complaint, no matter what had transpired throughout the day leading up to it. There were times that Charlie was so awful to her throughout the day that she had to summon all of her good intentions to complete the task.

But, as was this case on this night, she always did.