“So, tell me about your family,” Coop asked Cara as he threw a cast in the glass-like water of Ranger Lake, a small pond located near the former Metro Parks Ranger Station in Strongsville.

When he asked the owner of the bait shop he stopped at earlier that morning for a good spot to catch some bass, this was one of a few ponds that the owner pointed out.

“What do you want to know?” Cara replied as she reeled her line back in for another cast.

“Everything…” Coop answered with a smirk.

“Well, I have 3 older brothers. Jason is the oldest. He’s even older than you…” Cara joked.

“Really? That is old…”

“He was 16 when I was born. He’s a homicide detective for the Cleveland Police Department. He has a wife, Erica, and a daughter named Gabrielle who is turning 6 on Monday. She calls me Auntie Carebear.”


“It’s what most of the people in my life have always called me, including my brothers.”

“That’s adorable… Carebear...”

“Eww, I will draw the line at you calling me the same thing that my dad does!”

“Okay… sorry, Carebear…”


“No promises… what about the others?”

“I have two more older brothers.”

“So you’re the baby… Carebear?”

“You better watch it, Madison!”

“Okay… okay… What are their names?”

“Christopher is about the same age as you and is in the Navy. He just got back from a tour on an aircraft carrier in the Middle East. He’s on leave until his next deployment.”

“What does he do?”

“He works with computers or something… I’m not really sure what he does, but I do know that he’s not allowed to talk about it much.”

“Is he married?”

“Christopher?” Cara laughed. “No way. That would require him settling down. Let’s just say he really enjoys his bachelorhood.”

“What about your third brother?”

“His name is Johnny. We’re ‘Irish Twins’... he is a personal trainer and competes in drug-free bodybuilding competitions. He’s a health nut to the point that it’s annoying, but ever since my dad’s accident it’s like he is trying to prevent anything bad happening to him.”

“What’s your daddy’s name?”

“My daddy? Yet, you make fun of my nickname?”

“Sorry, it’s a Southern thing. What is your dad’s name?”
