Page 31 of The Perfect Heir

“So, you’re looking for different things to wear,” I confirmed.

She gave me a look as if I was an idiot, tapped her foot, and said, “Uh, yeah. Is that a problem for you, Daddy?”

I bit back a groan and took a step away from her before I grabbed her in public. Lifting my hands up, I said, “Nope. Carry on.”

“Oh goodie, I really needed your approval on this,” she said, sarcasm lacing her tone.

Pointing to an armless lime-green chair, I said, “Just…don’t run off. I’m in charge of your safety.”

“Sure, Daddy,” she said. I didn’t know if she was innocently using the phrase or messing with me, but one day soon, I swore I’d have her calling me Daddy for all the right reasons.

A salesperson approached Clara and, after a brief discussion, went into action, swooping items into her arm for Clara to try.

I took a seat in the ugly, yet surprisingly comfortable, seat and an employee approached me to ask if I wanted anything to drink. Lounging back in the chair, I couldn’t tear my gaze off Clara as I absently ordered a cappuccino. I didn’t expect them to know how to prepare Turkish coffee.

We made no sense together. Our lives didn’t fit, either with our respective clans or with her future plans. Then there was the pesky little problem of my life-defying secret. I had no business taking on a wife, but I couldn’t deny how good it felt to have her living under my roof.

Her nightmares had faded away, but I still spent a couple hours in her room each night, watching over her as she slept. I should be concerned about my mental health because I’d never done something like that before, but I didn’t care. Now that I had her near me, I didn’t know how I would live without her.

The woman returned with my drink and tried pulling my attention off Clara to flirt with me. Was it not obvious I was here with a woman? Annoyed, I was about to put her in her place when I saw Clara glare in our direction.

Ahh, now this was an interesting development. Deciding to test her, I initiated a conversation with the salesgirl.

“What’s your name, angel?” I asked.

Inwardly, I rolled my eyes while maintaining the ruse of being vaguely interested in her.

“Samantha,” she quickly replied.

“How long have you worked here, Samantha?” I asked.

Seriously, I couldn’t care less, but I was quite enjoying Clara’s attention, who’d stopped in the middle of sifting through a row of hanging shirts to toss us a ferocious scowl.

“Going on three years,” she answered breathlessly.

Clara’s face got pinched, lips pressed into a flat line. Watching from my side-eye, I noticed she was distracted, ignoring the salesperson, and grabbing random items of clothing, absently piling them in her arms. Another employee walked up to her and tried to unburden her of her clothing, but too absorbed in following me, Clara hugged them to her chest protectively. Realizing I caught her distress, she spun on her heel and stalked off to the dressing rooms at the back of the store.

I stifled a laugh. Shaking my head, I took off after my woman. It was a cruel joke on my part, especially since things were not yet settled between us. I shouldn’t have done it, but it was hard to break the habit of taunting her, especially when I was aching for her so damn badly.

Reaching the dressing room, I called out, “Clara, let me see what you’ve chosen.”

The curtain was jerked open roughly, material swirling in the air. Her elegant fingers clutched it in a death grip. She glowered up at me and jeered, “I’m surprised you even noticed I was gone. What do you want?”

As always, she was glorious in her fury, and my cock stirred in response. I mean, how could I not respond to this woman with her blazing eyes and flaming cheeks?

I stepped right up to her, toe to toe, and backed her into the small room. I snapped the curtain shut, enclosing us in the tight space of the dressing room. Her spine hit the mirror. Caging her in, I slapped a hand beside her head and leaned in until her short puffs of breaths fanned over my cheek.

“I’m aware of every move you make, sweetheart. You think it’s a good idea to challenge me in public when you know how hard it makes me?” I asked rhetorically.

“I know nothing of the kind,” she retorted. She lifted her chin at a haughty angle, but her chest rose and fell rapidly, giving her away. Yeah, she was as aroused as I was.

“Stop pretending, Clara. It’s beneath someone as strong as you. I thought I made my position clear, but let me reiterate it, just in case you missed it the first time. Any day. Any time. You name it, and I’ll do whatever you want to your tight little body.”

Before she could reply with a comeback that would make me lose all semblance of control, I ran my thumb over her pouty bottom lip. Since the hurricane, she didn’t wear any makeup. Nothing more than a swipe from a tube of lip gloss.

Her mouth popped open in shock. I didn’t know why she seemed so surprised. Wasn’t I clear enough? Maybe words weren’t enough. Maybe she needed me to demonstrate my intentions. If it was solid proof she needed, I was up for the task.

Groaning deep in my chest, I felt the demon thrashing inside me, fighting me to get out. For a brief moment, he escaped his bars, jumped on my shoulders, and lashed my sides like a bull, spurring me on. Only with her did I lose control so thoroughly.