Page 32 of The Perfect Heir

I sealed my lips over hers. Clara tasted clear and clean, just like her name. Kissing her was like sunning on a beach: sun, heat, sand, and wind combined to create the perfect summer day.

In my world of darkness, violence, sin, and secrets, she tasted like light, peace, purity, and truth.

She tasted like everything I wasn’t.

A low moan vibrated from the base of her throat, getting louder by the second. I pressed closer, her curves melding against the ridges of my hard muscles. Clara was taller than average, but I dwarfed her. My hands touched every inch I could. Her tits, her hips, her ass, her pussy. I was a fucking octopus, all eight tentacles on the loose. Jesus. Any other mafie woman her age would’ve freaked out by now. But not my Clara.

Our mouths dueled, and she gave as good as she got. Her own hands got busy, shoving my jacket off my shoulders, raking down the fine weave of my shirt, sharp nails leaving tracks. She yanked at my tie.

She raked her teeth over my lower lip, broke off our kiss, and murmured, “I hate this tie. Such an ugly color on you.”

I laughed, a hearty, full sound that shook my entire chest. This. Woman. So demanding. So strong. So vocal. I loved everything about her. Even in the middle of a passionate kiss, our second one, she cut it off to express her disapproval. She’d be so much fun to play with in the special ways I liked to play.

I sank my fingers into the thick mane of her hair and hauled her head back. “Shut up and let me kiss you.”

Her eyes flickered closed for an instant. A shiver coursed through her body.

Her lashes batted open, and she halted me with her hand on my chest. “What about that bitch outside?”

I almost broke into a smile but pulled it back in the last second. “What about her?”

“You were flirting with her,” she spat out.

“Only to test you,” I admitted.

“That’s not a nice thing to do,” she said with a pout.

“I’m not a nice guy. Don’t mistake me for one. Once you’re mine, I’ll treat you like gold. Submit to me and I’ll worship you like a queen. But beautiful, don’t foolishly think I won’t play dirty to get what I want. If I hadn’t made it clear before, what I want is you.”

I moved to take her mouth again, but her palms on my chest kept me at bay. “Why, Tatum?”

She gestured outside the dressing room. “You could have any woman you want, including the one outside. Why me?”

Her eyes were suddenly bleak. What the hell happened? One second, I was fucking her mouth with my tongue, and the next, she was pulling away from me.

My gaze bored into hers.

I realized this was a serious moment. This was important. While it was obvious to me that I’d fallen into a full-blown obsession, she needed to hear the words, and I wasn’t about to screw it up.

“Because you’re gorgeous,” I declared. “Because a smart, stubborn woman with a sharp tongue turns me on. But most importantly, because you’re strong. Only a strong woman can handle a man like me. You’re too strong for your own good, and I like that even more. To be a power player, you’ll need a strong man at your back. Turns out, we’re a perfect fit because I need to be needed. When it gets to be too much for you, that’s where I come in. I’ll take care of you, baby girl, in ways you’ll learn to crave. I see exactly what you need, and I know I’m the only man who can give it to you.”

Her brows gathered. “You’re talking in riddles.” She shook her head. “You’re not making any sense.”

I sighed. I didn’t want to get into this conversation here, in a semi-public space. I’d already come to terms with the fact that I was going to be the man to take her virginity. After months of foreplay founded on hate, I was done fighting, but I’d hoped to ease her into such a serious conversation. My plan was to make her come on my cock, and when she was limp in my arms, easing off her high and reveling in her afterglow, I’d approach this discussion.

Leave it to Clara to jump the timeline and go straight for the jugular. However, there was no throwing her off once she caught the scent of something. I’d have to get used to thinking on my feet around this woman. Conveniently, it was one of the things I loved about her.

I touched my forehead to hers and elucidated, “I’m talking about kink.”

Her eyes flared wide. I could see the splinters of jade green receding from the blue. I hoped she had a big dick kink because she was going to have to manage that as well once I had her stripped bare and underneath me, ready to take me fully.

“I’m talking about the fact that I see you as you are in your truest form. You need a man who will walk one step behind you in public, but in private? In private, you need the exact opposite. Behind closed doors, you’ll thrive under the rule of a man who takes control, makes the decisions, gives the commands. You need a man who will take care of things and one who knows how to wallop your ass when you’re acting like a brat because you’re overwhelmed by your responsibilities. I’ve ruled alongside Alex for over a decade, Clara. I know what your life will become once your father steps down. You need a special environment to relax and recoup, and I’m the man who can provide it for you.”

She gasped. “H-how do you know about my father’s plans for me?”

I huffed out a soft laugh. It wasn’t the talk of kink or dominance that disturbed her, but what I knew about her father.

“I’m the Lupu consilier. I know everything there is to know about any clan from here to China and back.”