“Not to worry, though,” Mrs. Messner says. “I found a replacement for Maverick.”
“Oh, then who…” Before I finish the front door opens and closes.
“Ah, there’s our new Prince Charming now!” Mrs. Messner is all excited energy as she heads to the hallway.
I look to Callie and Willow for answers but they shrug. They don’t know who the new recruit is either.
We hear a low voice in the hall and Mrs. Messner’s higher, much more lively tones.
Callie whispers to me. “So, have you decided what you’re going to do?”
Willow stops brushing out her crazy long hair to look at me with wide eyes. I’d told them and Isla what had gone down with the ring after the party.
Once we managed to constrain an irate Isla and convince her she should not head straight to April’s house to give her a piece of her mind, this was the question they’d all asked.
And even though a full day had passed, I still didn’t have an answer.
Yet another reason I hated working on a Sunday. It meant tomorrow was a Monday and there would be no avoiding April.
Not that I would ever avoid. I don’t run and I don’t hide.
But I can admit that I’m…shaken by it all.
Ugh. No, I can’t admit that. Especially not to Callie and Willow, who were so freakin’ horrified on my behalf. And even though they didn’t ask it, the question was there in their eyes. Why do you hang out with her? Why do you hang out with any of them?
And the truth is, I don’t even know anymore.
I did. At some point in time, I had my reasons. And those reasons…well, I don’t really like to dwell on them. Back in middle school it seemed to be of the utmost importance that I fit in with this crowd. I was intent on not being the charity case or the victim…
And that meant being one of the winners. Being the winner. The top of the heap.
But the questions are there in Callie and Willow’s eyes as they wait for me to answer. Why not just walk away? Why keep pretending they’re your friends?
I don’t know. I don’t have the answer. So I draw back behind the screen to finish buttoning the gown and I come out no closer to having an answer in the face of their expectant looks.
They’re not just expectant. They’re worried. Even Willow, who’s way more practical than emotional, has concern in her eyes. And Callie…
Well, I can’t even bring myself to look at Callie head-on. She’s just so sweet, and so innocent.
Two qualities no one would ever use to describe me. So how could she possibly understand the sort of diplomatic truce I have with the people I hang out with at school?
Or what it would mean for me to give it all up now after working so hard for what I have.
“I’ll handle it,” I say with more confidence than I feel.
Because I will. It’s what I do. What worries me more is Leo.
As if reading my mind, Willow frowns and crosses her arms. “I think Leo deserves to know the truth after what he did, don’t you?”
“No. I don’t. Leo deserves nothing from me.”
Guilt slams into me instantly at the harshness of my tone, made even worse by their wide eyed looks of reproof.
To them, he’d come out sounding like some white knight hero while April is the witch whose name should never be spoken again.
But it’s not that simple in my world.
Leo is no hero.