I join Willow in front of the full-length mirror to adjust my wig.
But what he’d done had been kind of…nice. And unexpected. I stare at my own reflection, my mouth set in a frown.
And maybe I should have said thank you.
“Leo!” Callie’s shout gives me a start and I whirl around.
“Yeah, I know you’re right, I probably should have said—” I stop short because… “Leo.”
He grins and I hate him all over again. Seriously, how does such a handsome guy with such perfect teeth and nice, full lips make a simple smile look so…
“Hey ladies,” he says in that drawl he uses when he joins our table at lunch. Like we’re his adoring fans just waiting for his arrival.
“Hi,” Callie responds. Willow and I just stare as Leo tucks his hands in his pockets and rocks back on his heels, his smarmy smile growing like he’s amused by our shock.
“We have ourselves a new Prince Charming.” Mrs. Messner reaches over and pats Leo’s cheek like he’s a mannequin and not a living breathing, obnoxious human being. “Isn’t he perfect?”
Leo’s smile grows to the point where I expect his teeth to glint like he’s in a toothpaste commercial. “I’m looking forward to it, Mrs. Messner.”
Like hell he is.
My eyes narrow. Is this some sort of payback?
But no. Why would he voluntarily work, this guy who’s never had to lift a finger for anything? I glance over at Willow and I’m pretty sure I see her brain whirring like she’s trying to solve this mystery too.
“I’m sure you all know Leo,” Mrs. Messner is saying. “He is the quarterback, after all.”
“Yeah, we know him,” Callie says.
Callie is sweet. Sweeter than sweet. But even she’s having a hard time being overly friendly as confusion tempers her typical welcoming smile.
“Why?” It’s Willow who finally breaks our silence.
I’m too busy trying to figure out what ulterior motive he might have in being here, and just how badly he’s going to mess with me. But Willow—kind, wonderful, logical Willow—she just asks. Tilting her head to the side, she seemingly takes his hesitation as confusion, because she clarifies. “Why did you join the troupe when you come from money?”
Mrs. Messner clears her throat. “Willow…”
Willow straightens. “Sorry. Was that rude?”
She glances to Callie and then me.
“No,” I say quickly to reassure her. “It’s a valid question.”
We all turn our gazes back to Leo and he’s smirking at me, like I’m putting him on the spot on purpose. Probably because I am.
“My mom decided that it would be good for me.” He cocks a brow and I feel a stupid heat surging into my neck and up into my cheeks as I realize what he’s saying. “Seems she thinks it’ll keep me out of trouble.”
I open my mouth to say something snide, something cunning.
All that comes out is… “Oh.”