Page 23 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Let me feel,” I suggest placing my hand on her abdomen, for a few seconds nothing happens and I start to think maybe the child just doesn’t like me, but right as I’m about to give up I feel a little push against my palm.

“Oh my god! That’s amazing!” I shout in excitement causing Vikrim to swerve on the road from my startling him.

“Lo siento,” he calls in apology before getting the car straightened out once more.

“I don’t think I can do this,” Jade says, tears welling up in her beautiful green eyes enough to break my heart.

“Which part, kitten?” I ask, not wanting to assume anything right now.

“Facing them,” she says under her breath, relief rushes through me but I try not to show it outwardly. Dealing with the wolves I can handle, they’re her mates and if they care for her like I know at least the Alpha does then they won’t make this hard for her.

“I will be with you every step of the way, and from what I know of these wolves they’ll be more than happy to accept you and our child with open arms. Or at least Bell and Jace, I don’t know much about the Alpha, but the two Betas are good even if Bellamy is vamphobic,” I explain, and wince because I hadn’t told her before about the large Betas problem with me.


“Yes gatito, Bellamy has a fear of vampires,” Vikrim confirms, glancing at her in the rearview mirror.

“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” she demands.

“My sweet kitten don’t you think you have enough on your plate? Bellamy and I are slowly coming to… an understanding,” I say hesitantly not wanting to put more on her plate with the fact that Bellamy may fear me but he also wants to fuck me.

“You mean he wants to get you into bed amigo,” Vikrim says with a laugh and I now wish that we would’ve left him behind as well.


“Lo Siento, but she was going to notice so might as well have her aware ahead of time,” he says not an ounce of remorse in his tone.

“You’ve been keeping things from me,” Jade accuses and it’s true I have, but I only wanted to protect her in her fragile state right now. “I didn’t even know that you swung that way.”

“Jade, I didn’t think anything would come from Bellamy’s infatuation, you’re the love of my life, and I’d never do anything to hurt you,” I explain with a sigh. “And when you have lived as long as I have, the constructs of labels don’t mean anything. I’ve slept with all manner of people before,” I tell her with a shrug.

“Fine. We can talk about this later. You’re right I have enough on my plate right now, but don’t keep things from me just because you want to save my delicate little mind. You’re my mate now and we need honesty more than anything if we’re going to make it through all the things coming our way. Including adding not only a baby but three wolves to our family,” she tells me, showing some of the backbone and strength that she’s always had but has been hiding lately.

“I promise kitten, from now on I’ll be honest with you and only try to protect you from physical harm,” I vow, she gives me a small smile and nods her head in appreciation.

“Thank you.”

“You two are so adorable,” Vikrim sighs, from the front seat and I can’t help but roll my eyes at his constant bad timing.

“So do you want to sleep with Bellamy?” Jade asks, shocking me.

“Kitten, do we really have to talk about this now?” I groan, while Vikrim chuckles in the front seat.

“It will keep my mind off of facing them and now that I know it’s a possibility, I’m curious,” she tells me and I can smell her getting excited just from the idea.

“You kitten, are a dirty girl. You’re getting excited at the thought of me fucking one of your wolves,” I whisper into her ear loving that her breath hitches and her heart beat increases.

“I’ve never seen two men together. Not even in all my years as a stripper. Two women many times, I’ve even played the part a couple of times for extra tips, but not two men. Dell says it’s quite erotic,” she tells me her voice husky, and her scent getting even stronger than before as she thinks about it more.

“It might actually be the only thing that moves him past the fear of my kind, but that is for another day love. Today is all about you and our nugget and making things right with your other mates so you can be happy,” I tell her, wanting to get far away from the subject of me sleeping with any of her mates.

“Fine. But answer one more question first.”

“Anything,” I say.

“Do you want to sleep with Bellamy?”
