Not bad for a human.
There’s still chaos everywhere but it’s clear that we’re winning. The kids are crying, huddled together over by a tree, one of the teens keeping them away from the danger. As much as I wish they weren’t witnessing this, there isn’t anything I can do to stop it. And hearing some of Scarlett’s stories through Sam makes me think they’ve seen worse things than this. Hopefully when this is all over we can get them all set up with a supe orphanage and they can have a chance to find new families.
“I will kill you all for this!” one of the witches screams.
From the looks of her she looks like the oldest and that makes me think she might actually be a challenge.
“Dibs!” Alec calls, pointing at the witch I was just looking at.
“Shit. Not fair,” I pout but move on to another witch. We worked out the system of dibs when we hunt together so we don’t get in each other's way. It’s an honor system, so as much as I’d love to go kick that big bitches ass I can’t and he knows that.
Just for that I’m going to let River play one trick on him. I’ve been holding him back for a while now not wanting to start a war but that’s over now. Speaking of, where is my little water terrorist?
Looking around quickly I spot him over on the ground, immediately my heart starts racing. I search his bond but I don't feel anything like pain. Still I rush over and kneel next to him making myself visible once again.
“River wake up,” I say, and he groans before slowly opening his eyes.
“Fuck that witch sure did pack a punch,” he comments as I slowly help him to his feet. He’s a little wobbly but soon evens out and can stand on his own.
“Which one?” I growl.
No one fucks with my mate and get’s away with it.
“The one who’s trying to take off with the kids, I was trying to stop her,” he says, pointing off towards the forest where I can see a couple kids struggling to keep up.
“Clayton! Watch River!” I call to my Alpha wolf mate, before taking off towards the forest.
They’re headed in the direction of the cars so I can’t let that witch get there. I’m not sure if Jade and Franny are there or if they made it back to the pack house but I can’t take the chance.
“Stop!” I shout and all the kids freeze.
“Never!” she shouts, tossing magic wildly behind her.
It hits the tree next to me and then fizzles out and hits the ground. Putting my camo back on, I move quickly across the forest floor circling around in front of her before reappearing with my dagger pointed at her throat. Her eyes widen as she takes me in, glaring she opens her mouth and I feel magic, so I do the only thing that I can to stop the spell. I push my weapon forward, silencing her forever.
When she hits the ground I pull my blade out and wipe it on her black cloak before putting it back into its hidden spot.
“You don’t have to be afraid, I know I look scary but I promise I won’t hurt you,” I tell the six children staring at me, they’re all different ages but none of them look older than ten. The teen that was watching them seems to have disappeared.
“Do you guys know Scarlett?” I ask sitting down on the grass in front of them hoping that will make them more comfortable. They all nod when I say the name and some of them even smile.
Scarlett is such a good girl.
“Well Scarlett and I are friends, she’s at my house right now playing with my son Max. Would you guys like to go see her when this is all over?” I ask and they all nod again. But one little girl with long blonde hair and green eyes walks over and throws herself into my arms.
Fuck. Don’t cry Dell, and don’t drink the baby fever kool-aid just because this little sweetie is hugging you so tight.
“Oh sweetie, come on let’s get you guys cleaned up and fed and I’ll take you home with me,” I say while holding the little girl in my arm, a little boy takes my hand as I lead them towards the cars and away from the life of nightmares they’ve been living.
Maybe it wouldn’t hurt just to keep a couple of them, I mean Max might like some siblings? My mates are going to kill me.