We left Dell behind.
“Wait Dar! We can’t leave her, I can’t leave her again!” I scream over the sounds of the trees passing by.
“She’s not alone kitten, the others were waiting until we got you clear, the fight has only just begun. We just evened the odds by taking Level,” he tells me as we reach a field with a number of cars in it.
“Okay. Now hospital,” I tell him as he lays me across the back seat of a car that smells like my mates.
“I’m going back to assist,” Vikrim calls before zooming away.
“Unfortunately because we don’t know what the magic did to the baby you’re gonna have to settle for me delivering the baby,” Franny says over Dar’s shoulder as he helps remove my pants.
“Fuck! Fine, just get it out!” I shout as the mother of all contractions hits me like a fucking train.
Yep these assholes are only getting one baby.
“Darius grab the bag I packed just in case and then go around and support her body with yours,” Franny instrucuts pushing my legs up and looking between them.
“Well I guess this is one way for us to bond in friendship for life,” she says. “Oh look I can see the head!”
If I wasn’t in so much pain right now I’d probably find this whole thing amusing, or at least this part, where I’m having my baby in a field. This is not how I imagined any of this going but fuck it. Life is full of craziness.
“Push Jade!” Franny shouts as I feel Dar behind me. He whispers over and over how much he loves me but I can’t hear it over my screams.
I push as hard as I can even as my body wants to give out from exhaustion, but I won’t give up. “You did so good kitten,” Darius says and it makes me realize that the pain is gone and I’m no longer pushing.
A small cry has me opening my eyes and reaching out my arms just as Franny lays my baby in my arms.
“You have a beautiful baby girl.”
Chapter Thirty-Two
The witch I just killed hits the ground at my feet with a thud. Though to the naked eye it would look as if they just dropped dead with a slit in their throat.
The fight started as soon as Jade and the vampires were clear. The witches came out screaming and crying at the loss of their power. I hate people that use others like that and it’s not just because of the stories that Brad has told me about his time as a captured healer. I just don’t like users in general.
As soon as I heard the others running this way I unleashed all my anger on the witches in front of me. Camo makes things easy as they never see me coming even as their blood spills on the ground. It’s been a while since my last job for AA so this feels like I’m stretching my muscles more than anything.
I keep away from the children who are looking around like they have no clue what’s going on, but any of the women who look as if they’re going to use magic to retaliate are fair game. By the time the others make it to the group, I already have five bodies on the ground.
“No fair sister! You got a head start!” Alec calls always wanting to compete with body counts. He just doesn’t want to accept that I’m clearly the better assassin out of the two of us.
“Better catch up!” I call jumping out of the way just as Silas goes flying by with a witch in his mighty jaw. It’s brutal to kill with teeth but still very effective.
Vikrim zooms in and looks around before spotting Ruby setting the house on fire. I’ve never seen a fire Elemental at work before but one thing is for sure I never want to make one mad. Most of the outbuildings she’s already burned to ash, without much effort.
“River! Watch that the fires don’t spread!” I call while looking to find the next unlucky witch in my path, trusting River to do as I ask at least in this situation.
As I glance over I see that Axel is surrounded by three witches, and they’re using magic on him. I can feel the fucking pain they’re inflicting down our bond.
Nope. Not today bitches.
Running as fast as I can I come up behind one and quickly slit her throat with my dagger, coating myself in blood when I hit the artery. Before her body even hits the ground I’m on the next, relieved when the pain lessens down Axel’s bond. He takes the last one out slamming her to the ground with his giant paw and then just tearing her head off and tossing it to the side. His lion comes over and rubs along my legs even though I’m in camo he still finds me.
“I love you too, now be careful,” I tell him before taking off once more.
“Tanner lookout!” I shout to the human, as a witch shoots magic at his back, but Renzo is there lifting him up out of the way. Tanner, trusting Renzo, takes aim and fires at the witch hitting her right between the eyes.