Page 52 of Found: Denver Alpha

“You don’t know this about me but I was born the only Beta to an Alpha family so believe me I understand more than most what it feels like to be on the outside looking in. It’ll take us time to get used to each other and there will probably be fights, heck the three of us fight all the time, but we’re family and as long as we talk it out things will work out. Plus I thought you and I bonded over the baby furniture? Silas and Bellamy can’t build for shit, I’d have been all alone without you,” Jace tells me and I feel myself relax a little now that he opened up a bit about his family.

“It’s not going to be an overnight success but over time I think our family will grow and be strong together, and that includes you Dar. You know Jade better than any of us, you know what she needs before she does, we need you man,” Silas adds on.

“Thank you,” I say quietly, feeling better than I did before. Not one hundred percent but like they said that will come with time.

“This is what family is about, or at least it should be none of us really had good examples growing up. Jace’s family is a bunch of assholes, Bellamy’s family also assholes; tossed him out after the vampire attack, and my father was a damn tyrant with the pack. We all have a lot of baggage but I think if we carry it together we can make it through,” Silas confesses, and I’m kind of shocked by all of their family backgrounds when they seem mostly together.

“I’ve never had a family, not even when I was human. I was an orphan in England living on the streets until I hitched a ride to the new world. So maybe that’s part of the problem, I have no idea what to do or expect. Jade too was an orphan though she had Dell for a while she never had a family either. It’s one of the things that really bonded us together in the beginning,” I explain and they both look at me with huge eyes.


“So you like came over on one of the boats with Chistopher Columbus?” Jace asks, making me chuckle.

“Yes I’m that old, and I can tell you that man was a prick,” I tell them, remembering my past fondly. Well fondly now, when I was living it, it was absolute hell.

“Man when Bellamy or Sam find out just how old you are they’re going to flip,” Jace says excitedly.

“I’ve lived through many historical events, traveled to every different country at least once. I’m like a walking encyclopedia for history and travel,” I joke, and they chuckle along with me.

Perhaps taking a moment to get to know each other is just what I needed, because all my feelings or lack thereof have vanished.

“I’ve never traveled and the only places Bellamy has been were war zones, what about you Jace?” Silas asks.

“Nope never, but maybe one day we could take a family vacation somewhere?” Jace suggests.

“Oh if you’re thinking of the beach, we should visit my island in the pacific,” I suggest thinking about Casa de Corazon. It’s been years since I visited.

“Your island?”

“How rich are you?”

“Let’s just say that our family will never have to worry about money and we’ll always have places to visit. I own many properties all over the world,” I tell them. My wealth is something I accumulated out of necessity and not really something I care about. I loved living in our little apartment and having a simple life just how Jade wanted. Maybe now that the guys know about my situation they’ll help me convince Jade there’s nothing wrong with a little spoiling.

“Vamp daddy is right,” Jace jokes, but Silas nods his head in agreement.

“Mila has such a way with words,” I say with a sigh. “She has such a fun spirit, I expect her life will never be boring.”

“Yeah she’s special,” Silas says sarcastically.

Honestly I can’t blame him, I’m not sure I would have fared well with her nervous chatter twenty-four hours a day for two weeks in a cage. He must be a very patient man.

“Should we join the others?” I ask, getting up from my chair, my body feels stiff, but a good stretch helps, at least until my head starts to spin and then I have to sit back down.

“Darius, what’s wrong?” Jace asks, in front of me without me even hearing him move.

“I’m just dizzy, I haven't been drinking as much as I should,” I tell them, feeling ashamed. I’ve been so worried about Jade and our new environment that I forgot the thing that keeps me going.

Some protector I am.

“You can drink from me,” Jace suggests, ripping off his shirt.

“You’ll sleep for a long time. What if you miss the baby coming?” I say, he’ll probably sleep for about ten hours with the size of him.

“It’s okay, it’s better that you aren’t sick, plus I’ll be doing a lot of the care after the baby is born because the rest of you are clueless,” he teases.

“I’ll carry him up to bed when you’re finished, no worries,” Silas encourages me.

Jace smells like cookies when I lean in and take a sniff at his neck. His skin is warm when I trace the vein in his throat with my tongue. My mouth waters and I can’t hold back with the blood so close; pumping through his body, practically calling for me. I sink my fangs into his skin quickly and instantly the euphoria of the blood hits me as the taste hits my tongue.