“Oh fuck, I just came in my pants,” Jace groans, and I suck his sweet blood. My own pants are soiled by the encounter but I can’t let go of Jace to mention that. It takes only a few moments for me to have my fill before I’m pulling back and licking the marks clean. Jace is asleep in my arms, snoring lightly as Silas comes over and grabs him.
“One day soon I want you to do that to me, I could really use a good night's sleep,” he says seriously. “Let’s head to bed, who knows when the baby will come and then there will be no more sleep for anyone.”
Taking the hand he offers me I get up slowly from the chair feeling much better now that I’m fed. We make our way out of the office and head up the stairs.
“Maybe we should get you a mini fridge for the bedroom where you can keep an emergency stash of blood for times like this, or when none of us are available,” Silas suggests, and I’m taken back by his thoughtfulness.
“That would be a good idea, I didn’t want to gross out the rest of the pack by keeping blood in with their food, which is why I didn’t bring any bags of blood from the apartment,” I explain, maybe needing to justify my stupidity a little.
“You don’t worry about them, you’re family now and they can just deal with it,” he states firmly. I can see why my kitten fell for this Alpha so easily.
“Thank you. Let me get the door—” I smell blood, without thinking or saying a word I zoom into the room. I don’t see or smell any intruders, but when I get to the bed Bellamy is bleeding from a wound on his head and my kitten is nowhere to be found.
“Bellamy, where is Jade?” I demand shaking him until he groans and wakes up. “Where is Jade, Bellamy?” I ask again.
“They took her,” he groans, trying to sit up.
“Who?!” Silas shouts dropping Jace on the bed.
“The Black Coven.”
Chapter Twenty-Seven
“Bellamy, stop hogging the blankets,” I say as a shiver runs through me.
I don’t remember our room being this cold, or smelling like a barn for that matter. Opening my eyes I’m more than a little shocked to see that I’m not in my bed at the pack house but in a shack laying on straw like some kind of animal.
“I don’t know who Bellamy is but I assure you he’s not the reason you’re cold,” a soft male voice says. Glancing over I notice that I’m not alone in this cage but there’s a thin man with blond hair and sad looking blue eyes.
At least I’m not naked this time.
“Who are you?” I ask scooting back against the bars of the cage.
“I’m Level, and before you ask you’re with the Black Coven, though you must really be special because they never give me company,” he says, sounding almost happy to see me.
“You’re the Mage aren’t you?” I ask, seeing the chains on his body glow every once in a while.
“How do you know about me?” he asks curiously.
“My friend is a Mage and when she checked over my baby she felt your magic,” I tell him, and he looks completely shocked.
“I didn’t think there were any of my kind left,” he whispers, looking on the verge of tears.
“I’m not sure how many of you there are, Franny is the only one I’ve ever met, but she hides out as a witch,” I tell him quietly, not wanting the witches to know about her.
“Why did she have to check over your baby?” he asks curiously.
“Well I’ve been here before, and I’ve only been pregnant for a week if that tells you anything,” I explain, his eyes widen as he looks down at my stomach and back up at me. It may be covered by clothing but it’s still pretty obvious that I’m ready to pop at any moment.
“I’m sorry,” he says awkwardly, looking away, as if somehow he put a magical baby inside of me. Mostly that’s Silas’ fault, I mean aside from the witches. But I’m not upset about my nugget. I plan to love him or her with everything I am.
“Level, from the looks of things you have no control over what these witches do with your magic, so you have nothing to apologize for,” I tell him, getting up from the hay covered ground and stretching my limbs. Sitting against the bars was starting to hurt my back. Or maybe it’s the ten pound baby? Either way moving feels good as I go over and sit down next to him.
“No, I’ve controlled nothing in a long time,” he comments, looking distraught. I’m not sure if it’s my Omega nature or my maternal instincts on high alert but I feel the overwhelming urge to comfort him.
Placing a hand gently on his tattered pants I give his leg a pat. At first he freezes, but slowly he relaxes as I do nothing more than give small pats. Level stares at my hand for a while before looking up at me with tears in his eyes.