“It’s only been like three days right? Or so since we can’t know which ‘time’ actually conceived the baby, so should we assume she’s progressing a month a day?” Jace asks, bringing us back around to the serious topic at hand.
“That means we have five days until the baby is born and five days until the Black Coven comes.”
Chapter Nineteen
I’m not ready! Five fucking days! I don’t have baby stuff! My little nugget is going to come into the world with nothing! I’m already a shit mom! Damn it!
“Sweetness… don’t panic,” Jace tells me later when everyone has gone their separate ways except for me and my mates who are still holed up in the office.
I hid my terror in front of the others but I knew that my mates could feel it in our bond. You can’t hide feelings from them even if you wanted to.
“But I’m not ready, I don’t know anything about having a baby,” I tell him, leaning hard on his strong shoulder hoping that it’ll give me what I need to get through this.
“We have five days, we can set up a temporary nursery in Silas’ room. It's big enough for all of us and the baby while the other rooms are occupied,” Bellamy reasons, giving my hand in his lap a supportive squeeze.
“When will we have time to buy baby stuff, when we have to be ready to fight the Black Coven?” I say and now I’m practically whining, but if I’m having this baby I want to do it right with all the cute baby shit I never thought I needed.
“Kitten! Are the wolves not treating you well? I felt your emotions all day but couldn’t do anything,” Darius says blasting into the room.
“It’s not the wolves per se, it’s everything happening all at once,” I explain, not wanting to cause any fighting.
“Thanks for the help with the bags, vamp daddy,” Mila snarks, lumbering into the office with two suitcases under each arm.
“My apologies Mila,” Dar says before zooming out of the room again and coming back with more bags.
“Did you just call him vamp daddy?” Silas asks, looking mildly disturbed by Mila’s nickname for Dar.
“Come on Alpha, as if there isn’t a person in this room that wouldn’t call that vampire daddy in the special way,” she reasons.
Sitting up I look around the room and Jace and Silas shrug nodding their heads as if they can’t argue with her logic.
“I wouldn’t,” Bellamy says under his breath.
“Liar,” Dar counters, running a hand along the wolf’s shoulder causing him to shiver.
“Y’all are a kinky bunch,” Mila comments, plopping down in a chair making herself comfortable.
“Umm Mila, we kind of need to have a private chat as a mate group,” Silas tells her, but she doesn’t seem phased by the comment.
“Go for it, I’m pretty sure listening to you and Jade fuck for hours everynight in the cage entitles me to a little conversation,” she says making me blush.
“Alpha if you don’t mind,” Darius says, inclining his head towards Mila. Silas gives a nod and we all watch as Darius zooms over, picks Mila up and then zooms her to the door before zooming back grabbing her bags and setting them next to her as she stands there in shock, he closes the door and locks it.
“Fine! I can tell when I’m not wanted! I’ll be in my room,” she comments, stomping her feet and I imagine flipping the door the bird.
“Oh that’s fucking handy,” Silas says with a laugh.
“All in a day's work. Now let’s get back to what’s happening with my kitten today,” Darius says, picking me up from the couch and then sitting down with me in his lap.
“We didn’t know that the pack house would stress her out because she’s not a wolf, I also just kept making stupid mistakes, oh and we think the baby might be here in five days,” Silas sums up the day, and it’s pretty close to all the bullet points.
“Wow that’s quite eventful, I’m sorry I was indisposed and couldn’t be here to help,” Dar comments with a sigh.
I know it’s something that he hates about being a vampire, he loses those hours in the day. Not only does it make him vulnerable but he feels it leaves me alone as well. The new mate group should help with that though, the wolves can be with me when he isn’t so I’m not alone.