Page 39 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Dar, we’ve talked about this before. There’s nothing wrong with me being by myself for a few hours while you recharge. Everyone sleeps, you just happen to sleep during the day. I love you just the way you are,” I tell him, turning so that I can place a soft kiss on his lips.

“Kitten, you’re the best thing in my life, thank you,” he says sweetly, placing his forehead against my shoulder.

Bellamy groans next to me, which confuses me, until I remember he’s still slightly uncomfortable around Darius.

“Sorry Bell we can move if you want,” I suggest, not knowing what his feelings are since we aren’t mated yet, makes it hard to guess what he wants.

“The fuck you are, if Bellamy can’t suck it up then he can move,” Jace commments surprising me with his straight forward no bullshit tone. I guess a lot of things are bound to surprise me about the wolves since I don’t know them all that well.

“I’m fine Jade, Darius’ hand just slipped I guess,” he says, and I watch as he removes Dar’s hand from his crotch.

Naughty vampire.

“Oh yes, sorry about that,” Dar apologizes without even a hint of remorse in his tone.

“Behave would you? We have serious things to discuss aside from your flirting,” I chide him, but he just smiles.

“Right, so baby things. We could see what we have in storage, or ask some of the pack moms?” Silas suggest but my cougar hisses like the prissy bitch she is.

“That’s gonna be a no from my cougar. She doesn’t want anything that smells like wolf on the baby yet,” I say with a shrug because I don’t know what the hell to do about her.

“That’s understandable kitten, this is her first so she’ll be more than a little protective of our cub, including smell. In fact I wouldn’t be surprised if no one but you can hold him or her for the first few days,” Dar comments, and my cougar purrs her approval that at least one of our mates is smart.

“Are you purring?” Jace asks, a smirk on his face.

“My cougar thinks Dar is smart and understands us,” I tell him with a shrug.

“I didn’t know that shifters could purr,” he says, reaching out to touch my skin and the vibrations.

“If she purrs when you’re inside her, good luck holding on very long because it feels fucking go—” Silas starts but stops when I give him the evil eye.

It’s fucking embarrassing.

“Sorry,” he comments, looking away.

“I’m sure everyone will eventually experience it for themselves, we don't need to talk about it now,” I scold the Alpha.

“Right, we need baby things that are new and to set up a place for you to deliver away from the pack,” Bellamy says, clearing his throat.

“Since the witches don’t seem to be after me, why don’t you just make a list and I can go pick it up?” Dar asks, I feel Bellamy move and out of the cover of my eye I see Dar running a finger up and down the Betas thigh. These two are going to be a pain in the ass until they just get it over with. Ignoring the weird flirting they’re doing I think about Dar’s suggestion and it’s not half bad.

“Okay, but I don't know what we need,” I say, feeling uncomfortable about my lack of knowledge. “I’ve never been around babies that much and I honestly never thought I’d have one of my own.”

“I’m an old vampire, so I don’t have any more clues than you do, kitten,” Dar comments with a shrug.

“Jace,” Silas says, looking at the Beta on my left.

“Okay fine I’ll make a list, you just have to tell me the colors you want since we don’t know the gender,” he says, surprising the hell out of me. “I may not look it but I actually spend a fair amount of time with the wolf pups here. They aren’t judgemental dicks like adults.”

Okay then. At least one of us knows what we’re doing that makes me feel a little better.

“I’m partial to yellow, but we can vote. It should be a family decision,” I suggest, actually feeling comfortable using the term family without much thought.

“Yellow.” They unanimously agree.

Chuckling to myself I can’t help but smile knowing that they all chose that color just to make me happy. It’s a sweet moment but in the back of my mind I can’t help but think about the fact that having the baby means the witches will come and I’m not sure we’ll be enough to stop them. I keep it all to myself though not wanting to ruin what little time we might have together.

“Stop hogging our mate,” Bellamy comments, pulling me from Dar’s lap and putting me in his where there’s no way he can hide how hard he is right now.