Page 19 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Yeah, I want my baby,” I tell her, and she smiles before pulling me into a side hug as Darius places his larger hand over mine.

“I don’t mean to spoil this happy moment but don’t you think Silas has a right to know that you’re having his kid?” Mila asks, her expression serious.

“Kitten I know that she means well but you can take as much time as you need—” Darius starts but I place my lips softly against his for a moment to stop his words. I know that he wants to do what is best for me, but I want to do right by my cub and I know what it’s like not to have parents. I would never want that for my child.

“She’s right. Silas should know about the cub, but I also need to talk to him and Bellamy about the whole mate thing. Now that I have my bond with you I can feel how Silas feels and it’s painful. He doesn’t deserve that,” I tell him.

“And Jace too,” Mila comments, and I look over at her in confusion. “Oh, umm, he’s your mate too. He just didn’t say anything because he didn’t want to scare you or add more to your plate right now,” she says with a shrug.

“Her and River never meet,” Alec says with a sigh bringing his palm to his forehead.

“You know at first I thought it might be fun, but I think the world might implode if those two were in the same room together,” Dell jokes but from the look on her face she’s deadly serious.

“You guys are no fun,” Mila pouts, but all I can do is shake my head.

“Wait. I have three potential wolf mates?” I ask, looking between Dell and Mila, who both nod their heads. “Should I wear gloves when we go to the pack house so I don’t get anymore?” I say with a sigh.

“That’s not really how that works, kitten. It’s not like catching a virus or something,” Dar explains with an amused look on his face.

At least he can find humor in this.

“And you’re okay with possibly adding three more men to our lives and to our bed?”

“As long as there’s room for me, I’m more than happy to give you whatever you need,” he assures me, my heart calming at his words.

“Well it’s not like you’ll have them in your bed all the time, those three fuck like rabbits instead of wolves,” Mila says, everyone turns to look at her and I can feel my own eyes grow large in shock.

“What? It’s the worst kept pack secret that Silas, Bell, and Jace are lovers,” she comments with a shrug as if it’s no big deal.

“She isn’t wrong, I accidentally walked in on our two Betas having a row. It was quite sensual,” Darius muses, the glint in his eye letting me know that he has some interest in seeing that again.

“I love when my mates get together, it’s super hot and honestly with six of them, our son and the occasional assassin job out of town there’s no way I could keep up with all their needs,” Dell tells us, I’m sure trying to help me feel comfortable with the news but that’s not why I’m speechless.

I just found out I’m having a magical baby, and that I have not one but three wolf mates to deal with. Them sleeping together is really low on the things I’m worried about right now. Especially since they clearly had this relationship before all of this came to be. It would be like them asking me to give up Dar, I wouldn’t do that.

“I think I should have some real food and lay down for a bit, all this news is a little too much for me,” I comment, getting up from the couch and slowly heading towards the kitchen.

“What do you want to eat, kitten? I’ll make it for you,” Dar asks, speeding over to me and practically forcing me to sit down at the kitchen table.

“Maybe some scrambled eggs and toa—” I start. Movement in my stomach stops me though. Picking up my loose shirt I look down at myself in shock as I actually have a little bit of a pouch right above my pants and whatever kind of magical baby is in there is moving around visibly.

“Holy shit!” Mila says excitedly.

“Well you definitely aren’t going to have to wait nine month for your cub to arrive,” Dell ponders.

“Perhaps we should go see the wolves tomorrow,” Dar says, placing a warm hand on my stomach and kissing my hair. He and I both gasp when the cub kicks at his hand, and my heart beats faster in my chest.

“That’s probably a good idea, because at this rate tomorrow I’m going to be showing even more,” I agree, and he gives me one more kiss, this time on the cheek before walking into the kitchen humming.

Apparently, the thought of him being a dad makes him filled with so much joy he has to sing as he makes me a plate of food. Something that I don’t think I’ve ever heard him do unless we were goofing around singing along with the radio together. It makes me happy even though I feel like I’m about to freak the fuck out.

What if the baby comes in like a week? We don’t have shit for babies! Hell we don’t even know if we’ll be safe in a couple days from the damn witches that started this whole mess. Unless they plan to wait for the baby to be born and then attack.

The thought of those evil bitches getting their hands on my cub makes me nauseous. From the little bit we heard from Scarlett being left to the Black Covens care is a fate worse than death.

I will die before I let that happen to my baby.

“It’s going to be alright, Ana,” Dell says walking over to stand in front of me. Squatting down she places her hand over mine on my stomach, her smile is comforting, but still in the back of my mind I’m filled with so much doubt.