Page 18 of Found: Denver Alpha

“Darius, clothes please,” I tell him but he keeps standing there staring at me.

“Congrats on that one,” Dell comments under her breath, but I can’t chuckle at the joke because Darius’ emotions are very confusing to me.

“What’s wrong vamp daddy? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Mila asks my very pale mate.

“You’re pregnant.”

Oh fuck.

Chapter Nine



“How? I mean I know how babies are made but it’s too soon to tell isn’t it?” Mila asks as I sit there trying to wrap my head around having a small life growing inside of me.

“Under normal circumstances you would be correct, however after hearing the stories of the magic the witches used I suspect nothing about this pregnancy will be normal,” Darius explains calmly. He zoomed back into the bedroom to get dressed after he announced to everyone in the room that I’m with child.

It’s fucking weird just thinking the words.

“Umm so I assume that the child in question belongs to a certain Alpha wolf,” Dell comments cautiously, which at this point is probably best because I’m barely holding on to my sanity right now.

“Well it’s sure as hell not vamp daddy’s,” Mila snarks and I finally look up from my lap to meet Darius’ eyes. He doesn’t look upset at me but I still feel the urge to apologize for doing this to him.

“Dar I’m so sorry,” I say as my eyes well up with tears.

Will this be the thing that finally pushes him away?

“No, no, no, my kitten, don’t cry. Getting upset is not good for our little nugget,” he says coming over and dropping to his knees in front of me.


“Yes kitten. You’re my forever mate so no matter who the biological father may be, that nugget is mine and I’ll love it just as much as I love you,” he vows, cupping my face gently.

“Damn,” Dell comments under her breath.

“Yeah vamp daddy is smooth as silk,” Mila agrees.

“You two are crazy,” Alec comments with a sigh, but all I can do is stare into Darius’ gray eyes.

“You can feel my unconditional love for you if you concentrate on the bond love,” he tells me, so I close my eyes and just let myself feel.

One bond is a mess of pain and I know right away that one is Silas so I leave it alone for now. The other is filled with not only love but devotion and gratitude, a feeling I don’t quite understand at the moment. Why would he be grateful that I’m having another man’s child?


“Why am I thankful? Well I can’t give you a child and I’ve never dreamed I’d have the chance to have any in my long lifetime. As much as this is a shock, to me this is a gift,” he explains, his eyes filled with so much hope I can’t stop the tears from falling as I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

“You know if he wasn’t taken I’d let you take that one home just to show your asshole mates how a real man acts,” Alec comments and a small growl from my cougar escapes. The first real reaction I’ve had from her in a couple days. She’s been sleeping off our run in the back of my mind, but now that she has a cub she’s back and in full on protection mode.

“Damn I really need to get myself a vamp lover, the biting thing might be a little weird at first but if they talk to me like that, it might be worth it,” Mila ponders out loud making us all chuckle.

“Believe me the bite is sometimes better than words,” I tell her and she actually is stunned into silence for a moment.

“So back to you being a mom. Are you sure this is what you want?” Dell asks and for a moment I pause to think.

Never in my life did I ever dream about having kids, a life on the run is no life for a grown person let alone dragging a child around. Letting one of my hands fall to rest on my stomach though I can’t think of anything that I want more than my little cub and my cougar agrees. It’s nice that Dell asked though instead of just assuming the baby is an automatic yes.