Page 61 of Untamed

Hot showers were balms to the soul, Lesley thought as she stood under the hot spray. She’d woken up from her sleep that afternoon feeling better and had begged the nurses to let her bathe. They made her walk up and down the hall twice before they allowed her to be in the bathroom on her own, and Belva had set herself up right outside the door, just in case.

She finished rinsing off and quickly dried herself before putting on the pajamas that Oli had brought from her place. She opened the door and was greeted by Antony leaning up against her bed.

The smile he gave her sent a little flip through her belly, and she walked straight into his open arms.

“I’m sorry about earlier.” His chest muffled her voice.

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he said. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her tighter.

They stood there for a minute before she leaned back, sniffing around. She looked sideways at him, her eyes half closed and suspicious.

Antony laughed and reached behind him to pull out the bag from the BBQ place. “I figured you could use something a bit more substantial.”

“You are so getting some when I get out of here,” she squealed, grabbing for the bag.

Antony held it back for a second, and grabbed her chin, kissing her. “Like food was going to prevent that.”

Lesley leaned into him and nipped at his chin. “True, but food doesn’t hurt.”

After she’d eaten, she flopped back against the pillows and groaned. “That may have been a bit too much.”

“You didn’t have to eat the whole thing.”

“You weren’t helping me finish it, darling.”

Antony took her hand and smiled against her fingertips. He kissed each one and closed his eyes as she ran the fingers of her other hand through his hair.

A noise outside made him raise his head, and they watched as the door swung open. A woman with wildly curly, short auburn hair and the bluest eyes Antony had ever seen peeked around the door.

“Stina!” Lesley cried.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake. You know how hard it was to find you in this hellscape?” She walked into the room and rushed to hug Lesley. “This place. I tell you what. Had to show ID at each damn station.” She straightened up and looked at Antony. “And you. I recognize you from the club, Mr. Hotstuff.”

“Stina!” Lesley covered her eyes with her hand and sighed but didn’t hide her smile.

“That’d be Agent Hotstuff, thanks.” Antony stood and held out his hand, grinning at her. “I think you can call me Antony, though.”

She took his hand and smiled back. “I’m glad you are taking care of our girl, Antony. I’ve been worried stupid.”

Antony motioned toward the chair near him. “They’ve only got the one seat in here. Take it. I’m gonna clear out for a bit so the two of you can chat.”

“You don’t have to do that. I can say whatever in front of you.”

Lesley snorted. “She really can. And will. And there’s no telling what’s gonna come out of her mouth.”

“As fun as that sounds, I need to check in with the team.” He leaned over and ran his fingers down Lesley’s jaw before lifting her head up. He kissed her lightly. “I’ll be back in an hour or so. Need anything?”

“Not that I can think of. I’ll text if something comes to mind.”

Antony straightened. “Nice to finally meet you, Stina. If you’re not here when I get back, I hope we meet under better circumstances soon.”

“Oh, we will. Of that, I am certain. Now get, so I can talk to my girl about you.”

Lesley shook her head and sighed. “She really is awful.”

Antony winked at her and left.

Stina waited until his footsteps vanished and flopped dramatically into the chair. “Well, he’s swoony as fuck.”