Page 62 of Untamed

Lesley shook her head and gave a long-suffering sigh. “Before you even start, what have I missed?”

“I don’t know.”

Lesley frowned. “What do you mean, you ‘don’t know’?”

“No one knows what the hell is going on, Les. Only that Smith is AWOL and that he was the last one on the team to see you when you when shit went down. Of course, the E-4 mafia is spinning it that Smith actually drugged you and tried to take you out of there.”

“I’m pretty sure he didn’t give me the drugs, but he was trying to take me out of there.”

Stina raised an eyebrow. “Then what happened?”

“Antony and his friends got there in time. Smith dumped me off on Ant and I guess he ran. They couldn’t find him. That’s all I know.”

Stina leaned back and put her feet up on Lesley’s bed. “Well, people were also talking about your man and another agent going through Smith’s room a few hours ago.” She lowered her head and smiled. “So, Agent Sexy showed up and saved you. Aside from this,” she waved her hand around the room, “this hospital and drug thing, that would be romantic.”

“Tell me again why we’re friends?” Lesley laughed.

“So, I can live vicariously through you, remember? If I found myself in your position, I’d be sure to share all the details with you.” Stina sat up. “Listen. You need to lock that man down.”

“You’re fucking awful.”

“I am not, and you know it. He is obviously batshit crazy about you, Les.” Stina tilted her head down and looked up with a quirky smile. “As crazy as you are about him. And don’t even try to say you’re not.”

Lesley’s cheeks burned. “I can’t argue with that.” She vaguely remembered the look on his face at the club when he saw Smith trying to drag her out and away from everyone, and the rage in his voice. “If they’d been even five more minutes, things might have been a lot different, Stina.”

“Nope. We’re not gonna go down that what if road, my friend. Don’t fucking do it. And do not let it make you even more of a recluse than you are. I enjoy seeing you out more, even if you are spending all that time with Antony.”

“I know, I know. I’m still processing all of this. Everything happened so fast, Stina. I had one damn beer and shit hit the fan.” Lesley shook her head. “I’m trying not to dwell, but it’s kinda hard being in the hospital, y’know?”

“So, we’ll talk about happy stuff. How is he in the sack?”

Lesley choked on her water. “You are incorrigible.”

Stina smiled serenely from her seat. “You love me.”

“I do.” She paused for a second. “And he’s fucking amazing. In all the ways.” Lesley flopped her head back against the pillow. “Yeah.”

“All the fucking ways. I bet.” Stina cackled when Lesley raised her hand and flipped her off. “On a scale of one to ten, how far gone are you?”

Lesley closed her eyes. She could feel his touch, his lips against hers. She’d never thought that being kissed on the forehead could be an intimate thing, but the way he lingered there made it so. And then there were all the other things he did. She ran her hands over her face and rubbed her eyes. “Crank that bitch up to 11, Stina.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Tell you about what?” Antony asked as he walked in.

Stina grinned at him. “Welcome back. We were still talking about you.” She ducked as Lesley’s pillow whizzed by her head and stood to grab it. “I suppose I’ll take this as my cue to leave.”

Antony frowned. “I’m not chasing you out.”

“Oh, you’re not.” She handed the pillow to Lesley. “I need to get going, though. Got some paperwork to go through for family shit.”

“Still?” Lesley asked.

Stina grunted. “Yeah. Still. Anyway,” she reached down and grabbed Lesley’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “We’ll catch up when you get sprung out of here.” She turned toward Antony. “And you, Agent Hotstuff, make sure she stays hydrated.” With a saucy wink, she strolled out the door.

Antony watched her leave and turned back. “She’s something else,” he said, laughing.