“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Johnathan polished off the pile of eggs in just a few bites and put his utensils on the plate. He was about to carry everything inside when his phone rang.

He checked the number.


Johnathan put the phone to his ear. “Yeah?”

A breath rattled.


Seung turned.

Johnathan put the phone on speaker.

Another breath. A gasp. A grunt.

Seung took the phone. “Ketzah?”

“Johnathan…” Caspin’s voice crumbled into a wheezing groan.

“I’m here, Caspin.”

“Curs. My den. Attacked.”

Seung widened her eyes, and the color left her cheeks. “Where are you, brother? I’ll come get you?”

“I will heal.”

Seung bared her teeth. “You shouldn’t even be alive.”

“MyKatuh, let me speak… to Johnathan.”



She gave Johnathan back the phone with shaking hands.

“How many curs were there?”

“I killed eight, and there were at least twice as many.”

Seung put a hand over her mouth. “How… how did he—”

“When did this happen?”


Which meant it took Caspin that length of time to heal enough to call. “Let me send a team and get you transported to one of our doctors.”

“I’m fine. Just tired. I made it to the church. The Priest found me. He helped. The bleeding stopped. I am better.”

“You’re still in bad shape.” Especially if he sounded on death’s door.

“I didn’t call for me. I called because Isaiah came here asking about where you were. He was at my den when the curs attacked. I had to defend him. Now he knows.”
