As a rogue, Caspin would be outside Grey’s influence and stealthy enough to never get caught. But Caspin was more animal than man. Expecting him to deal with the intricacies of maneuvering through a city would be more than he could handle, let alone accompanying Dr. Dante on a plane, ship, or anywhere public.

The only place Caspin had the advantage was in the wilderness, and Dr. Dante would never survive the conditions Caspin could.

But even the presence of one wolf would eventually push Dr. Dante to run.


The screen door opened, and Seung came out with a plate of food.

“You got that look on your face.” She handed it to him.

“I’m sure I do.” Johnathan sat in one of the rocking chairs and pulled over an empty raised planter. In the spring, a rainbow collage of flowers filled the pots. In the winter, they were the perfect impromptu table.

“Dr. Dante?”

“Who else?” He picked up several pieces of bacon and ate them in three bites.

“What about your team?” She nodded at the two men glaring at Johnathan.

“They can wait till everyone else is done. Including your betas.”

“Might not be any food left after they get through eating.”

“Then they can cook their own.” Johnathan ate the stack of sausage patties while Seung stared at him.

“How are you going to hide him from Grey?”

“Your wolf eavesdropping?”

“I was on my way to tell you about breakfast when I heard you talking. I waited till you were done.”

He nodded, mostly because he’d do the same. “Honestly, I don’t have a clue.”

“You considered Phillips?”

He rolled a look up. “Unfortunately.”

“You don’t think you can trust her?”

“No. I don’t.”

“If she was going to kill him, she would have done it from a distance.”

Johnathan knew that, but it didn’t matter. “She could still kill him.”

“Not if she’s as invested in him as you.”

He sat up. “She has nothing to lose by putting a bullet in his head.”

“She has next to no reason to put one in his head if she’s broken ranks. The Senate and Wardens will hunt her with the same tenacity as Grey will hunt Dr. Dante. She has the knowledge to disappear. All she’ll need is money.”

“Yeah, and when Grey finds out she took him, he’ll use every connection we have with the military and foreign governments to find her. Then she’d have every reason needed to kill Dr. Dante.” Keeping Grey from getting to him would leave her no choice. “Of course, she could kill him before Grey even had the chance to look.”

Seung crossed her arms. “Sounds to me like you’re making every excuse you can not to help him.”

“Then what do you suggest?”

She dropped her gaze.