Page 184 of Bodyguard By Night

Chaos laughed and I let Rachel lead her away to sit down.

“Aidan has increased security here with Beckett’s help. We just added a few more cameras to keep an eye on things. He was able to merge with Clay’s existing software we put in over the winter.”

“Glad I’m not totally obsolete,” Clay said dryly.

“No. He has some smaller cameras that will work with what you already have. Military contacts come in handy sometimes. It will help for the summer concert stuff, as well.”

“We appreciate it, son.” Fred walked over to me and surprised me with a hug. “Welcome to the family.”

I slapped his back. “Thank you, sir.”

“No, sir here. Just Uncle Fred.”

My eyes stung. “Uncle Fred sounds good to me.”

Chaos was quickly surrounded by her family. I let them ask her questions and get some more specifics while I dealt with my own.

Clay nodded to me. The hour of reckoning was at hand.