Page 114 of Bodyguard By Night

I didn’t look at her phone. Just her. Finally, she rolled her eyes and took a taste. When she licked her lips, I took the phone and tossed it on the counter.

“Ransom!” Her laugh filled the sunny room. “That’s not how it works.”

Then her cool lips were against mine with the sharpness of her recipe for sorbet as a chaser. As I hauled her in, the spoon clattered to the floor.

She slung her arms around my neck, making the sweatshirt inch higher. So, I cupped her delicious, made-for-my-hands ass. She’d stolen a pair of my boxers as well and the soft cotton felt better on her than it ever had on me.

I let myself fall into the kiss, not rushing to do anything else. No filling my time with my woodworking or the chores I created for myself to push away any emotions. I stayed right there in the moment and drowned in the lemon and raspberry scents she’d created.

A mess around us, but the perfect kind of chaos in my arms.

When I pulled back, her hazel eyes were fuzzy with desire and happiness.

“What was that for?”

“Do I need a reason?” I slipped my hands under the sweatshirt to lace my fingers at her lower back.

“No, I don’t suppose so. Is this what you’re like with a woman you’re sleeping with?”


Her eyes narrowed.

“Just you.”

“Oh.” She pressed her lips together and broke our gaze. “Not sure what to think about that.”

“Do we need to think?”

She frowned. “Who are you?”

I laughed. “For once, I don’t want to plan things to death. Can’t we just be? Get through the wedding and see what happens after that?”

And there was the truth of our involvement. It wasn’t to push the case forward or for any other purpose. All I wanted was to be with her.

Which made me want to walk right out the door to my workshop or take a ten-mile hike. But I didn’t.

The lines had blurred, and I didn’t know what to do about that. The plan to make myself the target instead of her had seemed like a good idea at the time. Now I was afraid I’d be less effective as her bodyguard, but I still didn’t back away.

I couldn’t.

She lifted onto her toes and kissed me out of the deluge of dark thoughts. I crushed her into me and lifted her onto the counter. She yelped.

I pushed away the bowls and utensils she’d been using then wrapped her endless legs around me. “What are these things?” I snapped the long leg warmer-thing at the top of her thigh.

“Another one from the box. I get sent a lot of free stuff.”

I raised one brow.

“To my PO Box.”

“Hmm.” I trailed my finger over the raised braid on the long sock that reminded me of a fisherman’s sweater. “I like this box of yours.”

“Is that right?”

“Guess you’ll have to surprise me with something else later.” I tugged the sweatshirt over her head.

“What about the video?”