Page 113 of Bodyguard By Night

“Still rolling.” I tried to back up, but she just dragged me closer. “I can delete it.”

I glanced at the camera, not comfortable with the idea of being on her account. But it might come in handy to show I was more than just someone on the fringes of her life. To reiterate that she was mine.

For the cameras.

“You want me on your channel?”

She grinned. “You’ll blow up my channel.” She flicked a bit of sugar on my chest.


She pressed her tongue behind her teeth as she flicked more at me. “Sugared abs and pecs for a thirst trap?”

“Me, a thirst trap? Unlikely.” I used the towel to wipe away the sugar, thankful I wasn’t overly hairy.

She maneuvered me in front of the camera. “Step on that little piece of tape on the floor.”

“You kill my sweatshirt and now there’s tape on my floor?”

“Like I was going to give back this sweatshirt.”

I glanced over my shoulder. “I’ve had it since bootcamp.”

“Then you shouldn’t have given it to me. It’s too soft to give back.”

This was ridiculous. I should be out doing a perimeter check or contacting Aidan for an update. Anything but this. I shook my head, but I let her position me just the same.

“Now you get to try my sorbet.”

“What? Am I supposed to drip it on myself?”

“No. Just taste it.” She slid her arms around me from behind and teased her nails along my belly. “We can try it off your skin later. That’s not for prying eyes.” She peeked around me, speaking to the camera. “Or is it?”

I didn’t know what to say to that one.

Her laugh was free and so very Chaos. “How to get a million followers in one day.” She grabbed her phone off the counter and stood in front of me, lifting her phone in that familiar way of hers. “Want to make a debut on my stories?”

I folded my arms and leaned against the kitchen island, the icy treat forgotten. “Sure you want to go official?”

Her laughter trailed off. “Is that what we are? I mean, stories only last for twenty-four hours.”

“And how many people watch them?”

“A lot.”

“How many are your family?”

“I don’t know.” Her voice was a mere whisper.

I reached for her phone. “It’s okay.”

She shook her head and flicked something on her screen. “Try my food.”

I scooped up a bit of the dark raspberry sorbet and held it out for her. This moment reminded me of our churro truck day, but this time, I knew what the end result would be.

Her under me.

Amused, her wide distractible mouth slid into a smirk. “Don’t worry, everyone. He’ll get this story thing eventually. People want to seeyoutry it, stud.”