Page 102 of Bodyguard By Night

“So, he’s military?” Ransom frowned as he maneuvered through traffic.

“Nope. But he stole it from them. I did some digging and Aidan checked in with a buddy from the Navy. Looks like there’s been a lot of theft. Sometimes off the container ships before they make it to port, sometimes rerouting them via the post office. Naughty, naughty getting into the federal fines now. These guys are super bold. I’d be impressed if they weren’t so stupid.”

I didn’t know what exactly to say to that.

“So, you think it’s part of the bigger problem Aidan was worried about?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Poe punched some keys. “I sent something to your email. You can check when you guys land somewhere. But beyond the actual drone set-up, this guy has a feed. Posted it to the forums like a freaking hat trick. Hey, look what I can do!”

I hugged myself. “So, is it about me? Or just showing off?”

“Bit of both, I’d say. The footage was only a second, but then there was a link for people to buy in for future footage. Unfortunately, or fortunately—not sure which—he has these drones on a few people.”

I leaned forward. “I really don’t mind not being special.”

“So, we’ll be in touch when I know more. I’m off to dig into the ooey gooey dark web. Hang tight, kids. Catch ya later.”

And then she was gone.

“What did you mean about Aidan?”

He sighed. “When he took me aside, he mentioned that it wasn’t just you. Why he didn’t include you in the conversation. A few of his other clients were also mentioned in those forums he found.”

“I don’t get why anyone would care about me.” I didn’twantto get it.

He pulled off the shoulder on the access road for Clay’s house, then he slammed the Jeep into Park. “You should get it better than most. People get fixated for reasons only in their own minds.”

“I know.” The old feelings of helplessness wanted to lunge to the forefront but tamping them down was the only shot I had of keeping a clear head. And it was vital we keep thinking straight to make sure my family was safe.

They were my number one priority.

“And I had another thought.” He turned toward me. “He’s showing off. Is it to get your attention or is he working toward something bigger?”

A chill raced over my skin, raising goosebumps. “Well, that’s comforting.”

“In this instance, I mean showing off to get people to spend money.”

“Oh.” I relaxed in the seat. “I didn’t think about that.”

“I only thought about it from the forum stuff. Dark web stuff is murky for me. I don’t understand what’s going on there.” He tapped his finger on the steering wheel. “But I don’t get the drone angle. I don’t know if he’s trying to get attention to impress you or the people he wants to hire him.”

I knew he was just talking it out, but it was disconcerting to hear him talk about my would-be stalker as if I wasn’t a part of this.

He glanced at me. “Jesus. I’m sorry, Chaos, I—” He gripped the wheel and his arms flexed with frustration.

“Hey.” I undid my belt and stroked his rippling muscles. “I’m not gonna start rocking in the corner. And I prefer it when you talk to me rather than playing that stoic, silent card you default to.”

Slowly, he relaxed. “I’m not used to discussing things.”

“Oh, I know. Truth be told, neither am I.” At his sharp look, I shrugged. “I take care of myself.”

“You don’t have to anymore.”

Now it was my turn to whip my head toward him sharply.

“Regarding this situation.”

Of course. Right. Not that I’d assume he meant anything otherwise. Even if that smoldering look in his wolfish eyes said something more.