He hooked his arm around my shoulders and crushed me close. “I’m sorry this ruined an otherwise good day. We’re going to figure it out.”
The embrace was awkward in the truck, but I was sort of getting used to these heart-to-hearts in his vehicle. “I really appreciate the hug, but I think your console is trying to shove my rib into a vital organ.”
His rumbling laugh made me rethink moving back on my side.
“Try getting a certain someone off with the same console, babe.”
My heart kicked hard. Normally, a babe would make go for a knee to the balls. Then again, Ransom seemed to have a whole checklist of things that usually pissed me off when it came to other men and somehow didn’t with him.
I eased back into my seat. “I appreciate your service to the cause, soldier.”
He threw his head back and laughed.
I couldn’t help but join in. Tension broken, he put the Jeep back in Drive and we made our way up the winding road to Clay’s place.
Rachel and Clay met us outside, Clay’s arm tight around my sister’s shoulders. They looked so at ease with one another. As if they were puzzle pieces that had finally found their match.
“Hey, guys.” I slid from the truck and opened the back door.
“Finally.” Clay came forward to take one of the bags. “We’re starving.”
“Aunt Laverne reminded me I hadn’t checked in with her. Had to do a little catching up.”
Clay peeked into the bag. “Her mac salad is enough for forgiveness.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and took the other bag. His voice pitched a little lower. “Everything okay?”
I pasted a smile on my face. “Of course.”
I patted his chest. “Guess what? Ransom even did his fitting today.”
“Hallelujah!” My sister called.
I grabbed the bottle of wine my aunt had thoughtfully provided. Very necessary to get through this dinner without tipping my hand.
Or getting in any deeper with the man so determined to protect me he forgot one vital part.
I might be physically safer with him around, but what about my heart?