“We’re listening.” They both look up and give their son their full attention.

I really miss my parents. Especially now. They were so much like Janice and Rick. They supported Raven and me in everything we did. Their love never wavered, and although I know they’re with me in spirit, I still wish they were physically here.

Hudson reaches over and holds my hand. “You already know that I’m in love with her.” He glances over at me and smiles.

“We do,” they reply together.

“Well, there’s more to our story.” He goes on to tell them everything. He skips over the specifics but tells them we spent a night together that changed both of our lives. He tells them how I was gone the next day, and how he thought about staying, and then about how I had written him letters that he never received.

“Those letters, they were telling me that I was going to be a father.” He pauses, letting the news settle with his parents. It takes about two seconds for his mom to figure it out. I’m sure his dad has too, but Janice is the one to speak.

“Oh my goodness.” She gazes down at Hayes. “He’s yours?” There’s a crack in her voice, which can only be described as tears.

“He’s ours,” Hudson says.

Janice finally looks up, and sure enough, there are tears in her eyes. Tears and a smile. “So what you’re telling me is that I’m not just an honorary grandma. This precious baby boy is actually my grandson?” she asks for clarification. There’s hope and awe in her voice, and that helps to settle my nerves just a little.

“That’s what I’m telling you.”

“Come to Grandpa,” Rick says, trying to take Hayes from his wife.

“Hands off. I’m not done yet.” Janice playfully swats at him.

“Baby hog,” he grumbles good-naturedly before he turns his gaze toward us. “Well, we’re going to need another one.”

“W-What?” I croak, speaking for the first time since the story began.

“She’s going to hog him. I need one to spoil too. Then we can trade-off.” He nods and smiles as if it’s the best plan he’s ever heard of.

“Let’s let Riles heal from this little guy, and then we’ll talk.” Hudson laughs.

I’m stunned speechless. I didn’t expect this. I’ve always known that Janice and Rick Fleming were amazing people, but this… they’re not angry. They don’t ask questions. They’re just taking the situation for what it is.

“I’m sorry.” There’s a wobble in my voice, which has Hudson turning and giving me his full attention. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry that I lied. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to throw Hudson under the bus, and to be honest, I’m glad I didn’t. He didn’t reject us.” I look up at Hudson and give him a sad smile. “He didn’t know.”

“Of course not,” Janice replies. “He’s loved you for years, and he would never reject you or his child.”

“I never meant to hurt you,” I say, the control I have on my emotions slipping.

“Riley.” Rick’s deep voice garners my full attention. “You have nothing to be sorry for. It was an impossible situation you were in. I believe it tells us just how much you love our son. You could have told everyone he rejected you, but you were not only protecting Hayes but you were also protecting Hudson. You did it out of love, sweetheart. That’s easy to see.”

“He’s right,” Janice chimes in. “I don’t know of anyone else who would have protected their family the way that you did. And he’s just a few days old. We didn’t miss out on any time with him.”

“But the pregnancy and the delivery” I start, but this time, it’s Hudson who stops me.

“Riles, you can’t dwell on the things we can’t change. This was on both of us and the mail system. It happened, but we’re here now. We’re together. We’re a family, and I love you both so much. Nothing else matters. Let’s leave all the misconception behind and focus on moving forward.”

“And more babies,” Rick adds with a chuckle, making us all laugh. “I’m not kidding. This one is going to be insufferable.” He points at his wife and playfully rolls his eyes.

“Thank you. For accepting Hayes and me into your lives.”

“Oh, darlin’.” Rick smiles. “You’re more than just in our lives. You’re family.” He winks, and my heart swells.

Hudson leans in close and places his lips next to my ear. “Told you,” he boasts. “Love you, Riles.” He pulls back and grins from ear to ear.

“I love you too.” I don’t lower my voice. I don’t hide that he’s the man I love from his family. I need them to know that all of this wasn’t for nothing. It wasn’t until Rick pointed it out that I was protecting Hudson. I didn’t want anyone to think badly of him. I knew he would come back to our small hometown and have to face the masses, and I just… I loved him too much even when I thought he had rejected our son and me to do that to him.