“Now, the next big hurdle is convincing her to marry me.”

“Stop.” I laugh. “We’ve been over this. You don’t have to marry me because we have a son together.”

“And I told you that’s not the only reason,” he counters.

“Oh, honey.” Janice shakes her head. “Good luck. When the Fleming men get something in their heads, it’s hard to change their minds.”

“I asked this one to marry me for months before I wore her down.”

“You’re not giving me much hope here, Dad,” Hudson jokes.

“You’re here, aren’t you?” Rick asks. “I eventually proved to her that she was the only woman I could see. You’ll get there. Just be persistent.”

“I plan on it.” Hudson leans in close so that our lips are barely a breath apart. “I won’t stop until she’s a Fleming.”

“Well, dinner’s getting cold. I should take the boy, so you can do your thing.” Rick reaches for Hayes, and this time, Janice lets him take him from her arms.

“You’re lucky I love you.” She points a finger at her husband.

“I thank God every day.” He winks at her before turning his full attention to his grandson.

The rest of the night is wonderful. Better than I ever could have imagined. We have dinner, talk, laugh, and Hayes gets all the grandparent snuggles a kid could ask for.

It’s funny how life turns out. When you think it’s the end of the world and there is no answer in sight, things just happen, and it always seems to have a way of working itself out. Never could I have ever dreamed that everyone would be so accepting of my lies, but here we are, having a family dinner. And my heart that has been torn in two, half filled with love for my unborn child and half shredded from what I thought to be true, is now pieced back together and so full of love.

I don’t know how this is my life, but I will cherish it every day.



“Morning, beautiful.” I sit on the side of the bed and run my hand up Riley’s back. “Did you get rested?”

“I did. What time is it? Is Hayes up?”

“It’s after eleven.”

“What?” She sits up and glances around. “Why did you let me sleep so late?”

“Because you needed the rest. Hayes and I have been hanging out all morning. Bro time, if you know what I mean?”

She smiles. “I’m glad the two of you enjoyed yourselves.”

“We missed you, but we knew you needed some sleep.”

“I go back to work in two weeks. I hope he’s sleeping through the night before then.”

“He’s getting there.”

“He’s come a long way. Waking up once is better than multiple times or an all-night party.”

“You still planning on going back full time?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I mean, I have to work to live. Not only that, but Raven and I put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into the salon. I can’t just leave her.”

“Have you thought any more about Mom’s offer to watch him?”

“I have. I would love for her to do that, but I feel like we’re taking advantage of her.”

“Babe, she offered. You know she would love it.”

“I do. I already had Susie Jones lined up. She does in-home childcare. I grew up with her, so I trust her.”

“More than his grandma?”


“Why don’t we drive over and give her the good news? It will do us some good to get out of the house and take a drive anyway.”

“That actually sounds perfect. Maybe we can have lunch while we’re out.”

“You know we’re not getting away from my mom without her feeding us.” I chuckle.

“I will never turn away your mom’s cooking.”

“Get showered. I’ll pack up a diaper bag.”

“Make sure you add a couple of outfits. Just in case.”

“I’m all over it, baby. Now, go shower.” I lean in and capture her lips with mine. I trace her bottom lip with my tongue, and she opens for me, which results in me pushing her back on the bed to ravish her. I kiss her like it might be the last time, every time. I can’t get enough of her.

My hand slides down her leg as I lift it to help her wrap it around my waist. My cock is hard and aching for her. “How much longer?”

“Two more weeks.”

“I don’t know that I’ll survive that long,” I say, trailing my lips down her neck.

“We have to.”

“Are you still sore?”’

“A little. Also, my birth control failed us the last time.”

I drop down beside her on the bed, keeping my arm around her to hold her close. “So?”

“So we need to be careful.”

“I want more babies.” I’m just riling her up, but it’s fun to see her get flustered. Hayes is four weeks old today, and the past month has been nothing short of amazing. Exhausting, but amazing. I cherish every minute of time I get to spend with the two of them. I need to get back to work, and I know that she does too. I’m not lying. I want more babies. I want a house full, but I also know she needs time to heal, and I’m one-hundred-percent on board with that. However, I refuse to stop reminding her. She’s still refusing to marry me, so I need all the mention of us being forever that I can get.