“How did you two meet?” Morris asks, offering to refill my glass. I shake my head and he moves to sit next to Georgia, which is directly across from Connor.

When I glance over at Connor, he gives me that adorable amused grin of his and he starts talking while still holding my gaze for a few long seconds.

“She got drunk in my bar and passed out. I took her home,” he says.

“I see,” Georgia replies with a light chuckle.

Morris laughs out loud and adds, “Her home or yours?” he asks, refilling a glass for his wife.

“Mine,” Connor says, blushing slightly on his neck.

“I see. And you two have been sharing that little camper, what did you call it, Connor?”

“Lainey named it the Minnow Bucket,” Connor grins. Georgia lets out another of her light little laughs.

“Well, I have two rooms made up for you two. You can get some space from each other tonight.”

“Lainey and I sleep together. But it’s your house, Georgia. You and Morris get to make the rules.” I blanch at how candid he is with these people about the details of our relationship. It’s probably just second nature to him to share everything, especially with the woman who used to be his therapist. But even for me, the Queen of Oversharing, it’s a bit embarrassing. It’s probably implied we’re intimate, but does it have to be advertised?

“Ah, yes, the rules. I suppose we should review those, shouldn’t we?” Georgia says, playfulness in her tone.

Connor’s face loses a bit of his cheer with those words. “Nah. No need.”

“Good. Well, you two must be hungry. How about I feed you something other than candy bars and gummy bears, huh?”

I laugh at that. Georgia casts a clever little wink my way before adding, “This man has a serious sugar addiction. He really needs therapy, you know.”

She, Morris and Connor all laugh at the joke. I’m happy they can infuse some levity into Connor’s past recovery. I know he seems well now, but I promise myself to ask Georgia if there is anything I should be watchful for. I want to be able to help Connor in whatever way I can.

Connor carries up our suitcases after dinner. I’m so full I can barely move.

“Morris wants to take us riding tomorrow. Do you want to go?”

“Riding, like on motorcycles or on horses or what?”

Connor grins, amused by me again. “Horses, baby. Want to go?”

“Yes, I’d love it.”

“Great. I’ll go down and let him know.”

Connor is gone for more than an hour and I am already changed and snuggled under the light hand-sewn quilt on the big brass bed when he comes back upstairs and sneaks into my room. He strips out of his clothes and slides between the covers. I feel his warm body curl around mine. His warm, naked body.

“Lainey?” His voice is a whisper, and he no doubt wants to let me stay asleep, if I am. But I’m not sleeping.


Rather than reply with words, I feel his hand snake up from my hip, slide under my top and gently caress my breast.

I hum in appreciation of his touch.

“I’m going crazy wanting you, baby” he whispers softly.

I twist in his arms and lie flat on my back. His fingers skate lower and dip under my panties.

“You haven’t acted like you’ve wanted sex the past few days,” I comment. His fingers lightly tickle at the moist area between my legs. “I’m not complaining, it’s just an observation.”

“I know. I feel really bad about that night after the theme park. I suppose I was a bit too rough. I wanted to give you a few days without me being a greedy bastard.”