“You’re very good to me,” I whisper. His fingers begin to tease at my entrance.

“I want to be a little bad tonight.” His finger slides easily into me. “Can I be a little bad, Raven?”

I hum my consent and he strokes me slowly, a second finger now having joined the first. “Christ, you’re already so wet. Stay here. Don’t move.”

Move? I can barely breathe. I ache for Connor’s touch inside me like a lioness in heat.

I know where he’s gone when I hear a bag zip open and he rummages around inside to find the joy juice he uses on me when we have sex. God, I love that stuff. That tiny little bottle could have saved me so much discomfort with Jemmy. And I’m reminded of just how little he actually cared for me. That feeling hurts.

Connor smiles and lunges toward me, the lion ready to devour his prey. And I pray I’m the prey. My Inner Sex Goddess is ready for him to completely devour me.

Connor spreads our joy juice over me and then positions himself on top of me. I spread my legs and wrap my knees around his hips, drawing him inside me quickly in one long, smooth motion. He gently eases out and then presses forward again with a rough thrust. The bed gives a mournful creak and the headboard rattles against the wall, tapping it three times.

Connor and I both start laughing hysterically, forcing one another to keep quiet.

“I think Georgia is punishing me for sneaking in your room to share a bed with you,” he whispers. “The place is rigged. No sleepovers is a house rule, and I’m breaking that. We need to be quiet.”

“I can be quiet, but I think the bed is going to give us away,” I manage to say between giggles.

“We’ll save naughty for later. I’ll be gentle, and it’ll be … good clean fun,” he says, kissing my ear. “I do want you so badly.”

He eases out of me and then slowly reenters my body while the bed gives another hard tap against the wall and squeaks out a loud protest. This time we laugh slightly louder and Connor rolls off of me with an annoying groan of frustration.

“Looks like it’s Madame Thumb and her Four Merry Mistresses singing you to sleep tonight, stud,” I laugh. Connor rolls onto his side and tickles me, kissing me until we’re both restless and wanting. We don’t make love, but the connection we make just enjoying one another like this, honestly, is as intimate as if we did.