The fifteen-minute drive to Katie and Jeff's felt like it took an hour and by the time Rose pulled into the driveway she had her entire monologue planned. Deciding to leave everything in the car for now, she grabbed her purse and phone and got out of the car. The cool night air did not calm her in the slightest.

Quietly, Rose let herself into the house. The family room where Katie watched TV was toward the back of the house, so if Rose was sneaky enough she could get all the way there without the little brat getting a heads-up. She smiled to herself as she toed off her shoes and went on the hunt.

Just as Rose had expected, Katie was in the family room, curled in a ball on the couch, watching the show she had been expressly told she was not allowed to watch.

Rose clicked her tongue loudly. "Tsk tsk, naughty little girl."

Katie screamed and jumped off the couch. "Auntie! What are you doing here? How did you...? Why did you...?" Katie sputtered in shock, her eyes wide and her blanket gripped tightly to her chest.

Without any explanation Rose advanced on her, grabbed her ear and led her straight to the corner. "First things first." Rose punctuated her words with some sharp smacks to Katie's pajama-covered bottom. "When I tell you to go to the corner you say 'yes Ma'am' and you go. This is not our first rodeo, young lady. You do not get to tell me ’no’."

Katie squirmed and danced trying to get away from the spanks, but Rose still had a tight hold on her ear. She wasn't letting her go until Katie understood the sheer magnitude of how much trouble she was in.

"Disrespect and direct disobedience are not handled lightly in this family, little girl. You know better."

"Owie! Auntie, I'm sorry!" Katie squealed, grabbing Rose's wrist to lessen the pressure on her ear.

"Oh, you are certainly going to be when I'm through with you." Rose let go and took a step back. "Naughty girls don't get to wear pants or panties in the corner. Take them off."



"Auntie," Katie whined.

"Two. Trust me when I say you do not want me to get to three, little girl."

Katie huffed and quickly pulled down her pants and panties. Stepping out of them, she kicked them to the side angrily.

Rose ignored the little show of attitude and picked up the discarded clothing. "I'm going to check on the kids. You do not move your nose out of that corner, do you understand me?"

"Yes, Auntie," Katie answered sulkily.

That was fine, she could sulk all she wanted. She was in for a very big spanking and she knew it.

Grabbing the remote, Rose turned off the television and went into each of the kids' rooms, tucked them in tighter and gave them kisses. She had never met a pair of children who slept more soundly than they did. That would count in her favor since she wouldn't have to worry about waking them up while she was lighting Katie's butt on fire.

Before heading back to the family room, Rose made a pit stop at her purse for her favorite implement, her wooden spoon. She'd found early on in their Auntie/Little relationship that the solid piece of wood was the best thing for getting to the bottom of naughty behavior, plus it was perfect for long sessions and that's exactly what Katie was in for.

Rose smiled at the sniffling little girl she found in the corner. She'd apparently come to her senses and realized she had been bested.

"Come here, little one." Rose sat on the couch and watched as Katie slowly obeyed.

"I'm sorry Auntie," Katie whimpered as she shuffled her feet toward Rose.

"Yes, I'm sure you are and I can promise you are about to be a lot sorrier. Place yourself over my lap." Rose patted her knees.

"Can I have a hug first, please?" Katie asked, her eyes welling with tears.

Rose was a sucker for her Little girl and she knew it, but she didn't care. She pulled Katie into her arms and squeezed her tight.

Katie laid her head on her shoulder and sniffled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. You know I love you even when you're naughty. You'll get punished and then it will be all over with, right?"

"Then I can watch my show?" Katie asked hopefully.

"No. You're grounded from TV unless it's something Noah asks to watch."