"But... for how long?" Katie whined.

"For as long as I think you need to be. You'll need to earn back your TV privileges for disregarding our deal."

Katie sighed. "Okay."

Rose pinched her bare thigh.

"Ow! Yes Auntie!" Katie corrected.

"Better. Now let's get to the punishment for your disrespect and disobedience."

"I don't like those words."

"I don't like them either, especially when I'm talking aboutmylittle girl becausemylittle girl knows better. Stand up."

Katie whimpered but did as she was told. Rose forced herself not to smile. Those little whimpers did nothing but fuel her bossy soul and there would be a lot more where that came from once she got started.

Taking Katie's hand, Rose guided her over her knee. "When's the last time you were over Auntie's knee, hmm?"

Katie squirmed. "On the high roller."

"Oh yes! How could I forget?" Rose smiled at the memorable punishment she had dished out only a few days before. "Certainly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity," Rose mused as she rubbed Katie's bare bottom.

"Auntie," Katie whined, drawing out the last syllable.

"Sorry, you're right. I shouldn't be taking a walk down memory lane. I should focus on how naughty you were tonight."

She started spanking with her hand. Hard enough to keep Katie squirming and yipping but not so hard that she would tire herself out too quickly. She wanted this spanking to last for a good, long time.

"Did you ask me to help you get your list done while your Daddy was gone?" Rose reminded her with some crisp pops to the underside of her bottom.

"Yes, Auntie but... Ow!"

Rose smacked her thigh when she thought an argument was brewing. She wasn't interested in hearing excuses at that moment.

"No buts. It was a yes or no question."

"Ugh!" Katie yelled, exasperated, kicking her legs in the air. "Wait!"

"I've waited long enough. You asked for help. Your time for discussing that respectfully is over. You chose to be bratty and disobedient. Disobedient little girls don't get to negotiate while they're getting their naughty bottoms roasted."