She glances over at the box with the car seat. “Holy shit is that a Doona? Briggs, no, you have to take that back. That thing is more than my rent… for like three months.”

"My girl deserves the best, Mads. I read all of the safety guides and it’s rated number one. It has the best rating after several rounds of safety testing as well as the longest durability.”

Shaking her head, she stammers, “But... It’s just so expensive. There’s no way. I can’t.”

Walking closer, I place my hand on her arm. “You can. Listen, I know that you’re independent. I’m in no way trying to bulldoze my way into your life and take over anything. It’s just... I missed so much. I missed seeing Olive grow inside of you, and all of the things Ishould’vebeen here for. It’s all I can do to even attempt to make up for my absence. I want her to have the best, in any way that I can.”

She chews her lip nervously. “I know. I do. We can go through it all. Together. Then we can decide what to return. I don’t even have space for all of these things.”

I nod. “Yes, if that’s what will make you happy, and Olive happy, then yes.”

“Okay, want to hold Olive while I start?”

Gazing at my daughter, adoration blooms inside my chest, tethering itself to my heart for what feels like eternity. “Always. Come here, my baby girl.” I whisper, taking her out of her mother’s arms.

For the first time since walking into Maddison’s apartment, I feel useful, even if my shopping spree doesn’t all stay, I did something that I didn’t totally fuck up. It makes me happy to be able do this for Olive, and for Maddison.