“Awe!” Graham exclaims, “Can I hold her? Please?”

Maddison laughs lightly. “Uh, I don’t even know you, no offense.”

"Shit, I’m sorry. This is Graham, Asher, Hudson, and Reed. My best friends and my teammates.”

Maddison looks slightly panicked for a second but nods. “HI, I’m Maddison. I’m... Uh, Briggs’...”

She stutters, but Asher speaks up, “Baby mama.”

Her cheeks tint pink at the endearment, but she nods. “I guess so.” Directing her attention back to me she says, “Briggs, what is all of this?”

“Baby stuff. Honestly, I don’t even know what half of it is, but the girls at the store said that it’s what she’ll need.”

Maddison pulls her bottom lip into her mouth and opens the door wider. “Come in, sorry, I was just a little shocked.”

“I have that effect on women,” Graham quips.

I lift my hand full of bags and still manage to wop him in the back of the head.

“What? It’s true.”

Fuck, I’m going to kill him.

We file inside Maddison’s apartment one at a time and set all of the bags and boxes down on the floor in her living room. Now that I’m really looking at it, I think we definitely went overboard.

“Wow. This is a lot of stuff.” Maddison breathes, her eyes wide as she takes in all the stuff.

I nod. “Might have possibly went a little crazy.”

“I don’t even know where I will put all of this.”

Graham plops down on her couch, and Asher and Hudson sit down next to him, making themselves at home.

I can tell Maddison is seriously overwhelmed and now Olive is starting to get fussy in her arms.

“Hey guys, thanks for helping me get all of this over here. I’ll call you later?”

Reed nods where he’s leaning by the front door.

“But, I didn’t even get to hold her yet!” Graham complains.

“Graham, shut up.”

Maddison’s grinning nervously at the exchange between all of us and I realize that we can be a bit much, especially all at once. I probably should’ve run this by her before I bought half the damn store and delivered it to her apartment.

Shit. I’m already fucking this up and it’s barely been three days.

“I’ll text later.”

They tell Maddison goodbye, and follow Reed out the door, shutting it behind them. Silence settles around us, but I speak.

“Maddison, I’m sorry. I should’ve talked to you first, I just didn’t want to show up empty-handed and then we got there and fuck, there was so much… stuff. I didn’t want to leave anything behind and she needs it and-”

“Briggs.” She speaks softly. “It’s okay. I appreciate this. I appreciate the gesture.”

Thank fuck. My heart hammers against my rib cage.

“I can take it all back, honestly, especially that damn car seat, it’s a pain in the ass.”