
"IfI never have to blow up another balloon in my life, it'll be too fucking soon." Graham groans from his spot face down on the couch. "I had no idea this was a form of torture until now. Thanks for that guys.”

"Graham, you blew upmaybetwenty? Probably closer to ten.” Maddison laughs. She's got Olive on her hip who's giggling at her Uncle G. I'd never admit it out loud, mostly because Graham doesn't need the ego boost, but he probablyisher favorite Uncle. They share a bond that's not surprising with how much Graham loves her, and when he's on the road, she constantly crawls around the house saying "G-G-G-G".

Olive has lots to say these days and I fucking love it. Not a day goes by that I don't thank God for giving her and Maddison to me. Watching her grow and become this beautiful, smart, curious baby girl has been the best thing I've ever experienced. This has been the best year of my life, and it feels like my life is finally starting.

I glance at Maddison and give her a wink, chuckling when her cheeks turn pink. You see right now she's got her hair fixed, and her makeup on, wearing a pink dress for Olive's first birthday party that's about to happen in about an hour, but this morning? Well let's just say I gave her enough orgasms that you'd think it washerbirthday.

Most days are chaotic. Olive's officially crawling and getting into any and every thing she can get her little hands on. She's going through a sleep regression, and Maddison's exhausted. I'm exhausted.

But we're happy. Not a day goes by that I don't show my girls how much I love them in whatever way that I can. For Maddison, it's helping around the house without her having to ask. Surprising her with flowers or chocolate depending on her day. Arranging a date night, or a break where she and the girls can go to the spa. For Olive it means sneaking her yogurt melts when Maddison's not looking, watching countless reruns of CocoMelon and reading her favorite ballerina story to her each night before bed. I could recite the lines to both in my sleep, and sometimes I want to pull my hair out but let's be honest, there's nothing I wouldn't do for my baby girl.

"Okay add at least fifty to that and maybe that's closer to how many I actually did Madds." Graham says to Maddison, using his nickname for her. They've gotten surprisingly close in the past few months and I think she talks to him probably as much as she talks to Holland, Emery and Juliet.

"You're the most dramatic man I've literally ever met."

He shrugs, flipping over to his back and sticking his hands behind his head, "It's a gift. Seriously though, are you going to have those little weenies today? You know the ones with the barbecue sauce that you put in the crockpot that taste like a little piece of heaven in a sausage?"

"Lil' smokies?" I ask.

He points at me, "Yes! Those."

Maddison shakes her head, "Okay, you two are not being helpful. We have less than an hour before everyone gets here. Graham, go hang these up," She thrusts a cluster of decorations at him, "Then you can be rewarded with your weenies."

Turning to me, "Can you get the balloons up outside? I'm going to see if I can get Olive down for a quick nap before everyone gets here."

"Of course, baby," I bend down and give her a quick kiss, "Don't stress, everything's going to go great."

"Da da da da" Olive coos, extending her little hands signaling she wants me to pick her up. I gently take her from Maddison's arm and cuddle her against me. Nothing in the world beats having her in my arms, her chubby little arms looped around my neck as she rests her head on my shoulder.

A sure sign she's ready for that nap.

"If you want, I can put her down for her nap so you can get things done? Whatever helps you most."

I can see the stress in her eyes, and when I offer, her eyes soften, "I don't deserve you."

"You deserve the world baby." I lean in and kiss her, swallowing the small sigh that leaves her lips, "Don't worry about Olive, I've got our girl, you just handle the party."

She nods, then gives me a chaste kiss and leaves to let me go upstairs to Olive's nursery. I take the stairs carefully because Olive is fast asleep on my shoulder. I could feel the moment she went slack in my arms, her breathing evening out. When I make it to her nursery, I click the light off and walk her over to the crib, gently putting her inside. She's in her birthday outfit, complete with matching tutu and it's the cutest thing I've ever fucking seen.

Actually, I say that a lot, but I'm constantly being surprised with the cute shit that Olive does. Before I leave, I watch her as she sleeps peacefully, and I think back to a year ago the first time I held her as she slept.

My baby girl, my reason for breathing. She's everything to me. My best friend, my number one fan. Everything in my life led me to her and Maddison. Sometimes it's hard to believe that I got this fucking lucky.

I click her projector light on, and the white noise machine before leaving her door ajar and walking back out into the hallway. Back downstairs, everything seems to be ready for the party. Maddison's been working on this for months, and everything looks great. I have no doubt that like always, our little girl is going to have the best day celebrating with all of the people who love her.

"I'm pretty sure Olive's in a sugar coma." Maddison laughs holding Olive in her arms, still covered head to toe in her birthday cake, snoring lightly. She needs a bath, but she looks so peaceful that both Maddison and I have been sitting on the stairs for thirty minutes just watching her sleep. Her party went off without a hitch, just as I thought it would, and now that everyone’s left and we’re finally alone.. I’m soaking in this moment with my girls. Enjoying the quiet, calm after a house full of chaos.

“I can’t believe Graham and Asher bought her a four-door barbie jeep.” Maddison says.

I shrug, “Are you really that surprised?” I laugh, “It’s Graham.. and Asher. Plus, they had to beat Reed’s present and his was a treehouse so…”

Maddison laughs, causing Olive to stir in her arms sleepily. Olive silently clutches her blouse in her hand, and her mama smiles.

“Let me get her into a quick bath, and her pajamas and I’ll see you in a few?”

I nod, leaning forward to press my lips against hers, “Let me know if you need anything baby.”