While she gets Olive cleaned up and ready for bed, I take a quick shower. The last few practices on the ice have been grueling, my muscles have taken a beating, and I’ve been feeling it the last few days. Combined with the fact that I took a hit that left my left side bruised, and I’m pretty sure a few broken ribs, I’ve been extra sore.

Shutting the shower off, I grab the fluffy white towel from the rack and dry myself off before slipping on a pair of black boxer briefs. I’m towel drying my hair that’s too fucking long and, in my eyes, when I walk through the door back into the bedroom and see Maddison sitting cross legged on the bed with a small red box with a white bow in front of her.

“What’s that?”

She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth and pats the bed next to her. I toss the towel into the laundry basket then sit next to her.

“I got you something.” Her hazel eyes widen slightly, and I’m confused. My birthday isn’t anytime soon.

“But it’s Olive’s birthday, not mine.”

“I know, but this is something special.” Maddison pushes the small box towards me with a small smile, and my brow furrows. I pick it up gently in my hand and untie the bow, letting it fall free, then remove the lid from the box.

Inside is a small piece of white paper. I pick it up and stare at it for a moment in confusion.

“Turn it over.” She whispers. My eyes dart up to meet hers and I see unshed tears clouding my favorite shade of green inside her irises.

I flip it over and see a small black and white photo of what looks like a round, grey ball. My heart pounds in my chest, so hard it threatens to burst free of my chest.

I’m holding a sonogram.

My eyes whip up to Maddison, “Is this.. Are you? Madds.” I whisper. “Are you pregnant? Is this our baby?”

A second passes and she nods over and over as the tears spill down her cheeks, “We’re having a baby Briggs. Olive’s going to be a big sister.”

Happiness floods me, emotion clogging my chest as I stand from the bed and yell.

“Fuck yes! We’re having a baby!”

Still clutching the sonogram, I pick Maddison up off the bed and swing her around, kissing everywhere I can reach.

“God baby, I’m so fucking happy, I can’t believe it. I can’t believe I’m going to be a dad to another perfect baby. Thank you.”

Maddison laughs, watery and hoarse, “What are you thanking me for?”

“Giving me my babies. Loving me. Being the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Fuck, I love you so much.”

She smiles, a small grin tugging at her lips as tears fall freely from her eyes, “I can’t believe it either. I mean we weren’t exactly preventing but I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon, I guess.”

I set her gently back on the bed, and stand straight, lacing my hands behind my head as I try and process what I’ve just learned. I can’t believe we’re having another baby.

“I guess we should probably get ready for more sleepless nights huh. Those nights seem like a lifetime ago.”

It does feel like a lifetime ago, but I’m so ready. Those were some of my favorite days, and I’ll never forget them.

This time… I get to be here for Maddison’s pregnancy, I’ll be here for every single moment.

“I can’t wait to see your belly get big and round with my baby.” I groan, “Just thinking about it turns me on.”

Maddison grins, rising on her knees and crawling over to the edge of the bed where I’m standing, “You know, I’ve been so ridiculously.. horny for the past few days. That’s a perk of pregnancy.”

I smirk, sliding my arms around her waist and pulling her to me until she’s pressed tightly against me, “That so?”

She nods.

“You remember how I told Olive that I was going to marry you when she was just a baby? Guess I need to give you my last name sooner than later so I can satisfymy wifethroughout her pregnancy.”

“Hmm. Is that a proposal Briggs Wilson?”