
When the captain signed for me to go forward, my brain immediately switched to the task at hand.

I snuck up on the first man and shot him in the head with my silencer. I then turned a corner and shot another one.

On my left, a man got the drop on the captain and a violent fight followed, only to end when Elias broke his neck.

We continued to the south wing with our weapons raised, opened the door, and entered after a quick sweep showed no immediate threats. As we walked further into the room, we found two men intently watching three screens.

My gaze flicked to it to determine what had them so mesmerized and wished I hadn’t because that precise moment was when I lost all faith in humanity.

“Chyortu, eti lyudi zhivotnyye,” Fuck me, these men are animals, I whispered into the mic.

You could see dozens of women in different stages of undress on the screens. They had chained some to the wall, while others were in cages. Two were naked and hanging from the ceiling like a slab of meat.

But the fucking worse was the man violating a young girl while another fucker filmed the entire thing.

I slid up to the man watching the screens and pressed a gun against his temple.

“If you make one move, I will press this trigger into your dick instead of your brain. Understood?”

“Please, I know nothing. I’m just a technician.”

“Of course you are. Where are they?” I prodded, as I pointed toward the screen.

“In the other room.” I pulled the trigger when he finished talking, and the man slumped over his desk.

After that, I killed the recording and destroyed the equipment because the last thing we wanted was evidence of what we were about to do.

“You good, Captain?”

“Yes, let’s go.”

We entered a hangar, and the captain tapped me on the shoulder to let me know I needed to go left while he went right.

I dispassionately watched Elias get behind the rapist and slit his throat.

I wished I could torture these men and hear them scream in pain like the sick motherfuckers they are. But this was a shadow mission, meaning I had to make the kills fast, and as silently as possible, with no trace and no witness.

One bullet, one kill.

Two bullets, two men down.

The cameraman was hiding behind a crate and saw me coming too late. He tried to crawl away while I was busy, but I followed and shot him in the back of his head.

I was about to head back when something caught my attention, and I got down on my knees to see what it was.

And that is when I met Elise for the first time.

I’m not sure how I recognized her. She was in a cage and curled onto herself.

Her body was one mass of injuries. Someone tried to crack open the poor girl’s skull, and there was dried blood between her legs. Her eyes were so swollen, there was no way she could see me or anything going on.

“We have visual. There are five women locked in cages. They’re in bad shape,” Muller acknowledged into the mic.

I opened the cage and flashed a light on Elise’s face. She was so still, I wasn’t sure she was breathing. So, I turned off the light and searched for a pulse.

The minute my gloved hand touched her skin, she came alive and kicked me in the face.