Because I wasn’t expecting her assault, I instinctively backed away, giving her time to crawl out of the cage.

I could hear my brother talking in the background as I tried to subdue a hysterical Elise without hurting her.

It wasn’t easy.

“And the package?”

“She’s giving your brother a hard time. He should ask her for some self-defense lessons after this,” Muller voiced with a hint of laughter, despite the dire situation.

I gave the captain the finger and dodged when she tried to punch me but missed.

“Incoming!” Bonnel screamed as the sound of a gunfight erupted on the other end of the mic.

Unfortunately for me, I didn’t hear the rest because Elise bit my arm, and I had to check myself from slapping her away.

I was still mulling over my options when the captain slid behind her and applied pressure on two areas of her neck, which made her keel over in a faint.

The minute I caught the girl, I realized something was off. I don’t know if it was what I witnessed in that hangar or the sight of this tiny girl fighting so hard for her life only to be brought down by a two touch point, but for a second there my mind became cluttered, and I almost attacked the captain.

“What the fuck have you done?” I shouted as I grabbed a blanket to cover her body.

“What you should have done five minutes ago, Baby boy.”

There was static on our com line before my brother’s voice came back on. “You’re clear. Get the hell out of there, Captain.”

“What do we do with the other women?” I asked.

“We leave them. Anika will take care of them,” Elias answered immediately.

And leave them to be slaughtered by the Guild if they get here before them? No. Fucking. Way.

“We can’t do that, Captain. They’ll be killed before her contact can get to them,” I declared agitatedly.

I knew I was going about this the wrong way. We were deep in hostile territory, on a shadow op, but I didn’t care. There was no way I was leaving anyone behind.

“Get your head in the game, Baby Boy. We have a mission to complete.” When I didn’t move, he asked, “Do I need to repeat myself, Soldat?”

That last word broke the clutter in my brain just long enough to realize I was committing insubordination at about the worst possible time in fucking history.

“No, sir,” I responded.

“Romano, get the truck on the south side.”

“Copy, Captain.”

The two of us ran back from where we came, while I held Elise protectively against me. We could hear people shooting from a mile away.

“Get the girl to the truck, now,” Elias ordered me.

“Yes, sir.”

“Do you have eyes on Baby Boy, Hunter?”

“Yes, I got you, kid,” Ash immediately replied.

“We wait until Baby boy is in the truck with the package. After that, we’ll complete the primary mission.”

“Give me five minutes to give you back-up once the package is safe.” This comes from my brother as I run toward the south side.