I usually followed because I had nothing to do, ergo why I knew how to fight.

I once asked him why he wanted to learn this shit, and his answer had been, he never wanted to be at somebody’s mercy ever again.

Out of the three of us, Mason was the better fighter because he was a natural. He also spent a lot of time practicing and honing his talents, whereas for me it was a hobby and Gabe had to hide his skills from everyone.

“I’m sorry about Elise,” Mace continued as we sat there, waiting.

“Thanks.” I immediately changed the subject because thinking about my sister and all the horrible things they might be doing to her was making me lose my shit.

“What are you going to do about your girlfriend?” I inquired.

“What do you mean?”

“If your brother’s plan goes through and we have a shot at taking them down, what are you going to tell her?”

I couldn’t see Sass being OK with him belonging to a Guild. Honestly, no one would be good with living in the shadows for the rest of their life, and waking up every morning not knowing if today was going to be their last.

“Will you be able to walk away from her?”

“Would I have a choice?” he answered truthfully.


My intention behind my questions wasn’t random. I had to make sure he was in it 100% because there was so much depending on it.

“Mr.Winslow?” We got up as the bank’s director headed toward us.

“Hello Mr. Cipriani. Do you have my money?”

“Yes, I do. But maybe we could have a moment?”

“Of course. I’ll be right back, Winthrop.”

The bank’s director closed the door after he and I entered his office.

“Please take a seat.”

I checked my impatience in because I couldn’t let on that I desperately needed the money. The man could block the transfer if he had any suspicion, and time was of the essence.

“As you know, because you reached the age of majority, you’re allowed to make a withdrawal from your trust fund. But, I wanted to make sure you were certain about your decision. Five million is a lot of money.”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“Is there a particular reason this had to be rushed?”


“Are you in trouble, young man?”

I was done with this clown. Every second I wasted here with him was a second my sister wasn’t being rescued.

“I’m not. Look, Mr. Cipriani, I appreciate the concern, but it isn’t necessary. I’d just like to get my money and leave if it’s all the same to you.”

“I apologize for asking these questions.”

“No problem, you’re simply doing your job and following protocol. But maybe we can hurry this up a bit? I have a lot of things to do today.”

“Of course,” he responded as he pulled out a bunch of papers I needed to sign. “Do you have an account number to transfer the money to?”

“Yes,” I answered as I gave him the information.

“It will take approximately twenty-four hours before the money shows up in the account.”

“Thank you.”

I left the bank with Mace shortly after that, went home, and waited for Asheron and his friends to rescue my sister.

It was the longest twenty-four hours of my life.