Chapter 19

Vasily Aslanov, 17 years old

San Diego, California

The package’s name is Elise Winslow. Sixteen years old. 5′3″. African American. Brown hair, green eyes.

She might be badly compromised, so we may have to carry her out of there.

Elias and I silently watched the low-level soldiers patrolling the grounds while we waited for Asheron to get control of the watchtower.

Our team wanted to get a better feel for what we were up against. To do so, we needed a pair of eyes on the whole site before making a move, and who better to do that than my moron of a brother.

I still can’t believe we’re risking our lives for a girl. And what’s more, it isn’t even the same one we’re here to save.Blyad!

Yeah, yeah, Ash tried to explain it to me after he clocked me in the face for running my mouth, but I still don’t get it.

One, why would he involve Alpha One in the affairs of another Guild for a measly five million dollars?

Two, why would he trade his life to our father for his girlfriend’s?

And last but not least, why, oh why, couldn’t the fucking idiot fall in love with one of the three billion AVAILABLE women in the world instead of the one person he couldn’t have?

I just didn’t get it. And you want to hear something funny?

I won’t see a dime of the blood money. The men were risking everything to help my brother. The least I could do was refuse my share and give it to them. It wasn’t like I needed it, my family has enough money to last a century.

So, yeah. Meet Vasily Aslanov, the biggest idiot on this planet, after my brother Asheron.

“Are you in position, Hunter?” the captain asked.

“Yes, sorry for the delay, I had a tiny scuffle with the watchdog. The man needs to learn to share his toy,” he whispered to the rest of the team on our headset.

Alpha One had been divided into three teams to cover as much ground as possible. The goal here was to go in, kill everyone, save the girl, and leave before the American Guild knew we were onsite putting down their men.

Nothing to it, right?

If I get out of this alive, remind me to break my brother’s nose.

Speaking of the idiot, Ash was going to be acting as our sword for the evening. His mission was to shoot anything that could endanger the mission, and considering he’s the best sniper in the world, that ought to tell you all you need to know.

They paired me with the captain because, although I’ve been with Alpha One for almost two years now, I was still the youngest one in the team (hence the horrible nickname they’ve given me).

I didn’t really mind. Elias was among the best of the Elite, and you wanted someone like that at your back when you were about to walk into a lion’s den, with black tigers’ ninjas, and pissed-off pumas added to the mix.

The rifle in my hand was light as we walked toward the south wing of the prison, dressed in full combat gear instead of our usual body armor.

Being armed was natural to me. I’ve held one form of a weapon or another since I took my first step, so this foray into enemy territory wasn’t anything new.

“Two men on the east wing and another five on the south. Watch your six, Captain,” Hunter, AKA my brother, whispered.

“I see another three on the west entrance,” this comes from Olek, who is with White.

“Does anybody have a visual on the package?” Elias inquired.

“Negative,” Bonnel, White, and Hunter answered him.

“We need to keep this quiet until we have confirmation.”