Egghead: Neither can I. It’s been way too long, beautiful.

Jelly Fish: Do you think we’ll recognize each other?

Egghead: Of course, you’ll be the shortie with mismatched clothes.

Jelly Fish: *middle finger emoji* What about you? How am I supposed to know who you are? The last time we saw each other, we were kids.

I didn’t know what Eric looked like. When he first sent me those texts, I hadn’t wanted the Guild to know we were talking, so I integrated a program to my phone that erased all traces of our conversation as soon as they happened.

But even that hadn’t satisfied my paranoia. I set up some ground rules to protect him.

We couldn’t mention anything that could be retraced to Eric, and pictures were a big no-no. I shudder at what they’d do if they knew he existed.

Egghead: I’ll be wearing a Jersey with the asshat name written in huge letters on it.

The asshat was our friend Gabriel.

Jelly Fish: Why him?


Jelly Fish: Why?

Egghead: Well, I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss me. *Emoji of a man blushing*

Jelly Fish: Awwwwwww, you’re a five-year-old girl. That is soooooooo cute.

Egghead: *middle finger emoji*

I laughed at his response.

Jelly Fish: Anything else you want to share, so I can make fun of you all night?

Egghead: No. I’ll see you at 9PM.

Jelly Fish: See you there.

I threw away my phone and finished getting ready.

Although the Guild had relaxed their surveillance over me, I’ve been extremely busy with the program, and haven’t had time to do much else. Tonight was my first night off in forever, and I find it befitting that it was spent with my best friend.

I couldn’t wait to see my egghead. Eric was it for me.

Sure, Gabe wrote to me now and then for updates. He could even be funny whenever he remembered to ask me how I was, but it wasn’t the same.

Moose always took time from his busy schedule to make me laugh. When my day wasn’t going how I wanted, he would patiently wait until I told him what was going on so I could feel better. The first thing I saw when I woke up in the morning was his text, and the last was his daily joke.

And I loved him for it. I couldn’t have made it through any of this without his continuous support.

Oh, don’t worry, he didn’t know this. I wasn’t enough of an idiot to tell him how I felt. What good could it possibly do? It’s not like we can be together.

I was wearing my evening clothes, meaning a Sex Pistols t-shirt, black skinny jeans, a leather coat, and combat boots.

I knew Moose was used to really beautiful girls in feminine clothes, but all my garbs were simple and utilitarian. I had nothing frou-frou in my wardrobe.

Even my physique was shaped with battle in mind with corded muscled, and a short boy-do. The last thing you want in a fight is for your opponent to pull on your ponytail while they’re kicking the shit out of you.

“Sarah?” a rigid voice inquired.