“In here,” I answered absently as I finished tying up my boot, only to look up when my mentor came into my room.

Ghost introduced me to his wife, Connie, shortly after I reintegrated the Guild. She was a sweet, adorable woman, who fawned over me to make sure I didn’t overexert myself.

She also coddled and pampered her husband like he was a toddler. It made me wonder if she knew how deadly the old coot had been in his prime, or better yet, if she knew he was molding me into his former image.

The twosome petitioned the Guild to become my legal guardians about a month after my return, and I moved in with them the minute it was granted.

It made it easier for Ghost to intensify my education by about one thousand percent. The old man even turned down the position of Head Chief of the New Initiates Program at the Academy because it would impede my training.

“Are you going somewhere?” he asked as he crossed his arms over his massive chest.




“With whom?”

Why do you care? You’re not my father.I bit my tongue to keep the sharp reply from crossing my lips.Connie and Ghost treated me like I was part of their family. I had deep respect for them and would rather cut my arm than upset them.

But my parents hadn’t raised me to follow anyone blindly. I didn’t respond well when people questioned me, much less when they were trying to exert their authority over me.

So, I deflected instead of answering him.

“Why are you asking me these questions?”

“You know why.”

“You don’t need to worry about me. I’ll be careful.”

“You said the same thing the last time.”

“That was different.”

Ghost was talking about my first mission. He was still mad at the stunt I pulled with the Pandora file.

According to him, the dumb move had put me on Guild radar and made it that much harder for me to go anywhere without being noticed, and he was right.

What my old mentor didn’t know was, my stunt, as he called it, got me in their system. The camp they sent me to, made me an even better hacker.

But most important of all, I wanted people to talk about what I was capable of. You couldn’t go up the ladder if you were invisible. Being indispensable, on the other hand, made it possible for me to jump in leaps and bounds.

“I’m sixteen and am old enough to make my own decision.”

“Then make better ones, Sarah. It’s not a matter of age, and you know this.”

“I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“What would you call meeting an outsider?”

“He’s just a friend. Members are allowed to have friends outside of the Guild.”

“Other members are. You are not. Or have you forgotten under whose thumb you are?”

Like I could forget the commander of the American Guild had a leash around my neck.

“I was barely able to protect you after your last antic.”